Video: Saudi AI Robot ‘Gropes’ Female Reporter


by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Footage of an autonomous robot developed in Saudi Arabia has gone viral because it appeared to decide to ‘grope’ a female reporter.

The incident took place at tech conference DeepFest in Riyadh, which was advertised as the “premier meeting place for the global artificial intelligence ecosystem.”


As reporter Rawya Kassem was introducing a segment to camera, the robot called Mohammad appeared to grab her ass, prompting Kassem to shoot it a dirty look and gesture for it to stop.

The Metro reports that the droid, developed by robotics firm QSS, is “fully autonomous” and was operating “independently without direct human control” according to its designers.

The company claimed that it had “proactively informed all attendees, including reporters, to maintain a safe distance from the robot during its demonstration.”

In a statement QSS said “We have already conducted a thorough review of the footage and the circumstances surrounding the incident and there was no deviations from expected behavior of Mohammad, however we will take additional measures to prevent anyone getting close to the Robot within its areas of movement.”

Just wondering how Mohammed would react to Sophia?

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