Early Sign of a 2nd American Revolution?


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Below is an article that I wrote on 3 January 2020 but, for some reason, never posted and thus never distributed. I happened upon it just today while checking through my files to find articles that I did not post and thus did not distribute. I am posting and distributing it now because the proclivity in America toward a 2nd American Revolution is palpably greater even than it was four years ago:

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Early Sign of a 2nd American Revolution?

Eric Zuesse

On January 2nd, USA Today bannered “Pelosi, McConnell homes vandalized after Congress adjourns without securing $2,000 stimulus checks”, and reported that:

The homes of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were vandalized over the weekend after Congress adjourned Friday without securing $2,000 stimulus checks.

Messages like “where’s my money” and other expletives were written with spray paint across the front door and bricks of the Kentucky Republican’s house in Louisville. Police spokesman Dwight Mitchell said the incident happened around 5 a.m. Saturday and there was “minor damage of graffiti on a window and door.” The department has no suspects.

Meanwhile, at the San Francisco home of Pelosi, a Democrat, vandals painted graffiti on the garage door and left a pig’s head on the sidewalk around 2 a.m. Friday morning, police said. Vandals also wrote messages like “$2k cancel rent” and left fake blood on Pelosi’s driveway, according to local news reports. San Francisco Police said its Special Investigations Division was investigating.

On that same day, I headlined at various sites, “How and Why the $2,000 Covid-19 Stimulus Checks Were Defeated: The People Who Run the U.S. Government Despise Their Voters,” and reported that:

On December 30th, U.S. Senators voted 80 to 12 not to increase the Covid-19 relief one-time payments from $600 per qualifying person, to $2,000. The same bill had already passed, December 28th, in the U.S. House, by a vote of 322 to 87.

Here is how the great investigative-reporting team of David Sirota and Andrew Perez reported this on December 31st, under the headline “Senate Democrats’ Motion To Concede On $2,000 Checks”.

They described how it was done, and the equal participation of both McConnell and Pelosi in its having been done. In other words: the leaders that the Senate’s Republicans, and that the House’s Democrats, had elected, led both of America’s billionaire-controlled Parties to do this — to force many Americans to become evicted and homeless (which probably won’t happen, because of what polls show to be an overwhelming hostility by the voters against what both of the two billionaires-controlled Parties had just done).

Consequently, though those two vandalisms were largely symbolic acts, they were symbolic of a shared sentiment of what could emerge to become a 2nd American Revolution to expel a tryannous aristocracy ruling over this country. Whereas the first American Revolution was against a foreign aristocracy (England’s), this second American Revolution would be against a domestic aristocracy — America’s own billionaires. This new aristocracy is called by various names, such as “the Deep State,” and simply “America’s billionaires” (the people who own and control the nation’s military suppliers or “federal contractors,” and also own and control the news-media, and also create and control the think tanks, and America’s billionaires also now control both Parties by donating enormous amounts to politicians, but it is the same thing that they are, which the nation’s super-rich, who use their money to control the U.S. Government).

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