CA Voters Report Ballot Mistakes, Raise Concerns About Election Integrity


by Ed Kozak, The National Pulse:

California voters are voicing concerns about election integrity following reports of ballot mix-ups.

Voters in Madera, California received incorrect ballots for the state’s recent primary, with some claiming their registration was switched against their will and without their knowledge.


“I got my ballot in the mail, and I was going to vote early, but when I looked to where it said President of the United States, it didn’t have anybody there,” a 48-year-old wine bottle manufacturer named Saul told The Epoch Times.

Saul took his ballot to the Madera County Government Center on Super Tuesday, where he told officials he received the wrong ballot. They told him he was registered as having no party preference, which Saul denied. The officials eventually registered him as a Republican and he was able to participate in the primary.

“Somebody switched it,” said Saul. “I know that I did not switch it.” He continued:  “All of this that’s going on, it’s kind of fishy… I just hope my vote counts.”

A Madera County poll worker confirmed that Saul’s case was not the only such error on Super Tuesday. “There have been multiple people who experienced this,” the poll worker said. “We don’t know how or why their party affiliation was changed.”

Madera County was not the only place plagued by serious issues on Super Tuesday. Various counties in states across the country experienced technical glitches, delays, and other issues. Americans are increasingly losing faith in the election process and its integrity. A recent poll found that a majority of Americans actually believe US intelligence agencies will pick the winner of the 2024 presidential election.

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