Artificial Intelligence: Are We ‘Summoning Up Demons’?


from Harbingers Daily:

About seven years ago, I started to become aware of a phenomenon known as “artificial intelligence” or “AI.”

The first troubling headline I saw stated, “Ex-Google Executive Anthony Levandowski is Founding a Church Where People Worship an Artificial Intelligence God.”

The second headline read, “Why Humans Will Happily Follow a Robot Messiah.”


I started watching videos online of robots who look human and who “think.” They answer questions and seem to process real thoughts. Developers of these robots say someday they will solve society’s problems. Such men also believe that it is possible for artificial intelligence to be a billion times smarter than humans. Try to process that!

Various leaders in the field of “AI” have made some of the following statements:

  • “The human era could be ending and machines will take over.”
  • “He who develops AI rules the world. We aren’t going to be able to control it.”
  • “We are summoning up demons.”
  • “We are playing with fire.”
  • “This is one of the dumbest things we can do.”
  • “Soon robots will walk among us. They will play with us, teach us, and they will truly be our friends.”
  • “AI will be smarter than humans and will become a god.”
  • “AI could become the worst event in the history of civilization.”
  • “In the end, the machines will win.”

Maybe this new religion isn’t the promise of paradise after all. Some promoting AI are evangelists and some of them offer a new Promised Land. But some of the very movers and shakers of the artificial intelligence industry are sounding serious warnings.

This is really not the wave of the future as it is all being employed now! Outfits like Google have every bit of information on us they need: Address, e-mail, occupation, history, photos, our family, our interests, our searches. Simply stated, they have all our vitals.

So how will this play into Antichrist’s agenda? Will this manage all buying and selling? We want tech companies to work for us but we end up fitting into their plans and purposes! Dare I say, we are almost their useful idiots.

We’re all aware of the biblical prophecy found in Daniel 12:4 that knowledge will increase in the last days. But machines smarter than people? Surely God would never allow that to happen. He created mankind in His image and He didn’t create them to be superseded by computer chips. That is not stopping man from trying!

In 1948 there was a milestone event as it concerns “signs of the times.” That was the re-birth of Israel 70 years ago. Are we in the generation of a more current sign that could involve end-time technology, the “image of the beast,” “mark of the beast”, etc? Could this wave of technology be as relevant as the stirring of the dry bones? We look at that 1948 happening in a rear-view mirror. Technology is a 21st century fulfillment.

Viewing one now-famous robot, Sophia, was a bit unnerving. YouTube loved to feature her and introduce her to millions. She was attractive, clothed, looked you in the eye, and answered your questions. She could be your friend, companion, problem solver, and perhaps someday, your spouse. At the very least, she could run your errands and put away your groceries. In the wrong hands, she could be dangerous.

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