APOCALYPSE NOW! The Great Tribulation, Fourth Turning, Seventh Seal or All 3


from State Of The Nation:


APRIL 2024: All the Signs and Omens point
to the Commencement of the End Times

Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Research Group
SOTN Exclusive

First some key data points:
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Donald Trump

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946—the night of a total lunar eclipse.  Both his temperament and the way he projects publicly reflects the astrological affects of such an afflicted birthday chart.

On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse cruised across the United States of America from one end to the other.  Here’s a photo of President Trump watching what was memed the “Great American Eclipse” from the White House.  And we know what happened to his presidency immediately following that quite dramatic darkening of the Sun.  Not a good move by the prez, but surely he didn’t know better (although it looks like Melania may have known better).

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s birth chart shows that he has 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Mars) in Scorpio as follows.  He also has two planets in Gemini.

These planet placements and other key configurations and transits reveal a character who will say and do anything — ANYTHING — whatsoever to advance his very narrow and self-interested scorpionic [SATANIC] agenda.

Although he hides it well, his extremely strong impulse for revenge knows no limits.  Having been caught outright stealing the 2020 POTUS election, he is totally supportive of the various malicious criminal prosecutions and frivolous civil litigations brought against Donald Trump—the legitimate winner.

Although he used to presents himself as an avuncular, gaffe-prone and crass politico, that facade covers up an extremely dangerous character who will do anything to advance his exceedingly destructive agenda to collapse the American Republic.  Simply put, Joe Biden is the most baneful POTUS in history.  Of course, we know that he is only the frontman/strawman for the New World Order globalist cabal which seeks the total and permanent ruination of the USA.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s birth chart shows that he has 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Mars) in Scorpio as follows.  He also has two planets in Gemini.

These planet placements and other key configurations and transits reveal a character who will say and do anything — ANYTHING — whatsoever to advance his very narrow and self-interested scorpionic [SATANIC] agenda.

Although he hides it well, his extremely strong impulse for revenge knows no limits.  Having been caught outright stealing the 2020 POTUS election, he is totally supportive of the various malicious criminal prosecutions and frivolous civil litigations brought against Donald Trump—the legitimate winner.

Although he used to presents himself as an avuncular, gaffe-prone and crass politico, that facade covers up an extremely dangerous character who will do anything to advance his exceedingly destructive agenda to collapse the American Republic.  Simply put, Joe Biden is the most baneful POTUS in history.  Of course, we know that he is only the frontman/strawman for the New World Order globalist cabal which seeks the total and permanent ruination of the USA.

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