Anger, shouting, word salad makes expert suspect Biden was juiced


from WND:

Joe Biden these days mostly is slow and stumbling in both his walk and his talk. He often braces himself on a podium to speak. And he’s gained a reputation for randomly looking around and wandering across a stage, trying to get off.

So why, during his State of the Union, was he, as supporters claimed, “fiery?” He shouted and spit words out at hyperspeed, sometimes making a verbal slip but moving on without a correction.

Drugs, suspects one expert. Amphetamine. Uppers.


A report at PJMedia explains anyone watching could see it.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist in Beverly Hills, said in the report,

Democrats say the unusually harsh and verbally strident Biden was just evidence he’s physically and mentally fit for office.

This, of course, is the president whose capabilities were assessed as “diminished” in a special counsel’s report after an investigation into his likely violation of federal law regarding the custody of classified documents.

Lieberman, who has not examined Biden, suggested the evidence is that Biden could have been juiced up on Adderall or another amphetamine.

She described Biden as a “word salad on speed.”

The report explained Lieberman pointed out Biden’s frequent gestures and hand movements. Then there was his slurring of words, which is expected from an octogenarian.

But, she said, his accompany speed suggests he was “psychopharmacology helped.”

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