America Facing Quagmire As Over Half Of Democrats Don’t Want POTUS Trump To Be Certified By Congress If He Wins In November While Left Puts Criminal Invaders Ahead Of Americans


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

According to an absolutely bizarre poll recently taken by Rasmussen Reports sponsored by The National Pulse, over 55% of Democrats polled responded that if President Trump wins the election in November, they’d want Congress to refuse to certify any Trump victory due to what they call ‘Trump’s role in the January 6th US Capitol riots’.

With any such ‘happenings’ sure to set America up for a major quagmire and possibly be the heave-ho needed to push our country into an all-out Civil War within the next year or so, this comes as 170 Democrats in Congress have voted against the Laken Riley Act, refusing to require the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants who have been caught committing a crime, and setting America up for many more ‘Laken Riley’s’ in our near futures with those 170 Democrats clearly putting the ‘criminal invaders’ ahead of the American people who are the people who pay their salaries.


Proving again why it’s long past time for the American people to ‘starve the State‘ as pointed out in this March 11th ANP story, especially when that ‘state’ is putting people who shouldn’t even be in this country ahead of the American People who largely abide by the laws we’ve been given, can you imagine what this country might look like should we actually make it to November without some kind of horrific false flag terror attack carried out by agencies of our own government and designed to stop the election from even happening, only for POTUS Trump to win the election but then, Congress move to ‘decertify’ that election, as if they’re saying that what Americans want doesn’t matter anyways.

What could very well be the final nail in the coffin of our once-free Republic hammered into stone, we still have strong doubts that TPTB will even ‘allow’ there to be an ‘election’ in November as Alan Barton had reported in this ANP story from January 25th titled Beware A Coming Black Ops Black Flag Event Created By Our Own Intel Agencies via The Invasion At Our Southern Border – Biden Allowing Evil Monsters To Drive The Final Nail In America’s Coffin – The Traitorous Garbage Infesting DC Is Enabling A Mass Murder Terror Attack ,” within which he warned we can see them setting everything up for ‘America‘ to come tumbling down.

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