REPORT: CBS Seizes Computers, Records Of Investigative Reporter Catherine Herridge


by Nicole Silverio, The Daily Caller:

CBS apparently seized computers, records and files of the now-former investigative reporter Catherine Herridge, who has recently been fired from the network, according to Jonathan Turley.

Turley, a professor at George Washington Law School, said he talked with people presently and formerly employed by CBS who confidentially told him they do not recall senior staff ever taking such a step before. At the time of her departure, Herridge was investigating special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden, allegations of corruption against the president and Hunter Biden’s laptop, Turley noted.


One former CBS journalist reportedly said staffers have never seen the apparent seizure of records and files from departing staffers.

The apparent seizure has caused a “chilling signal” across staffers at CBS, the journalist added, Turley wrote. A previous CBS manager reportedly stated that he had “never heard of anything like this,” as most departing journalists take their records and files upon leaving. He said the apparent seizure of her possessions is “outrageous” and endangered confidential sources, Turley added.

Turley said these files may contain sources that were handed confidentially to Herridge, making the company’s move “dead wrong.”

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