Race-Based Discipline in Portland Public Schools


from Moonbattery:

Under liberal rule, identity group membership has been the main criterion for selecting a President of Harvard, a Supreme Court Justice, a US Senator, and even the Vice President of the USA. Why shouldn’t it be the primary determinant of which misbehaving students warrant punishment in Portland public schools?

Portland Public Schools (PPS) introduced its “Student Support, Discipline & Safety” policy in November. Under the policy, behavioral support plans must consider a student’s “trauma,” “race” and “gender identity/presentation,” as well as whether “social emotional learning” and “restorative justice” are appropriate for them.

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“Restorative justice” is like racial justice, except it provides kid glove treatment based not only on preferred race but on membership in any other favored identity group (e.g., sexual deviants, illegal aliens).

In the unlikely event that there is anyone working in public schools in a place like Portland who has not already been thoroughly indoctrinated on how restorative justice is to be implemented,

The policy further requires each PPS school to maintain a “School Climate Team,” tasked with participating in “ongoing training in implicit bias, antiracism and culturally responsive practices.”

The authorities must be worried that exposure to reality causes liberal brainwashing to wear off, despite the constant reinforcement provided by the media.

Additionally, it mandates that a teacher not be transferred to another location if doing so would “decrease the building’s percentage of minority teachers to less than the student minority percentage in the building” or decrease its percentage of transgender and nonbinary staff to less than 30%.

Why not just cut to the chase and make it illegal to employ teachers who are not either black or sexually insane?

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