Inconvenient Truths: Russia, China, and Iran were all Strong Allies with the United States After World War II


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

This article is what I hope will be the first in a series of articles I plan to write in the future titled “Inconvenient Truths.”

They are “truths” because the evidence of their veracity is readily available online (for now) to be independently looked up and verified by anyone who cares to do so.

They are “inconvenient” because they do not fit the narrative of the modern day mass media, which includes now the “alternative” media.


The inconvenient truths I am exposing and reporting on in this article are the truths that challenge the current political narrative of our day stating that the evil axis of enemy nations that are hell bent on destroying the United States and threatening our “national security” are Russia, China, and Iran.

Did you know that all of these “terrorist” nations were strong allies of the United States at the end of World War II?

And is there any real evidence today that these former friends and allies of the United States just 80 years ago are today truly our enemies and a threat to our “national security”?

My own bias will be evident, as always, because I am one of the few truly “independent” journalists left who is not leveraged, since I receive no funding from anyone to write what I write, and I am free to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

If you don’t agree with me, that is fine, but I do encourage you to examine the evidence for yourself and do your own research, so that you can either confirm your own opinions and beliefs, or have them challenged by “inconvenient truths” that are still available to the mass public, for now.

Remembering the Allies at the End of World War II, and the Beginning of the United Nations

There is an old saying that “a picture is worth a thousands words“, and while that may have been generally true at one point in our history, it is probably less true today with the development of technology and picture editing software such as Photoshop, and now AI.

But I sometimes spend almost as much time researching and creating my own featured images as I do actually writing the article, and I believe that these two photos are worth a LOT more than just 1000 words.

So take a good, hard look at the two photos I put together for the featured image of this article.

They are actual photos (you can find them on Wikipedia and other places) that were shot both in the same month, in November of 1943, in the latter stages of World War II.

Both the Soviet Union, under Stalin, and China, under Chiang Kai-shek, were allies with the UK and the USA in 1943.

The fact that one meeting happened in Tehran, Iran, the leader of the Shia division of Islam, and that the other one happened in Cairo, Egypt, the then leader of Sunni Islam (until oil was discovered later in the deserts of the Bedouin nomads of the Saud family), clearly shows how today’s “enemies” of the U.S. were not always so, but all worked to together for a common purpose. And that stated purpose, at least the one that was fed to the public through the emerging mass media out of Hollywood which was controlled by military intelligence which became the CIA, was to fight Hitler and Nazism in Germany.

Look at the attitude and positioning of then U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is obvious that after entering WW II in 1941 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, that Roosevelt was being positioned as the next leader of the “free world” based in the United States, serving the two most powerful “Jewish” families in the world, the Rothschilds of Europe based out of London, and the Rockefellers of America operating out of New York.

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