Hey, Lefty, America Is Worth Saving—From You


by Mark Lewis, Townhall:

They are trying to destroy America, of course, because Leftist ideology is built upon power and control of others, regardless of how many people they must kill, maim, torture, imprison, enslave, terrorize, or otherwise oppress and cower into obedience.  Liberty is the enemy of power. Thus, true American values are the enemy of Leftism and totalitarianism, thus the enemy of the Democratic Party.  That the political party largely established by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison has become such a hater of America and freedom is one of the saddest tales of history.

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To repeat, true American values—those so proudly proclaimed to the world in our Declaration of Independence—are the enemy of Leftism and totalitarianism.  The United States is not, has not been, and never will be a perfect country because we have been, are, and always will be composed of imperfect human beings, of which modern-day Democrats are the worst America has ever produced.  But, despite its faults, this America has also done countless good deeds in its history, without which these modern-day hate-America Leftist hypocrites would not be able to do what they do and are trying to do, i.e., destroy the very country that has given them the freedom to make the very attempt at the destruction they are making.

Which nation was it, in the 20th century, that fought two world wars that were really none of its business but had to fight because it was brutally attacked by freedom-loathing, totalitarian regimes who wanted power they had no right to have?  Great Americans—twice—in two world wars shed their blood to save Europe and the world.  If it wasn’t for America, how many extra people on earth today would be speaking German or Japanese?  I told more than one Chinese when I lived there, “If it wasn’t for America, you’d be speaking Japanese now.”  It was a thought they had never contemplated because their Leftist, freedom-hating, murderous, totalitarian government wouldn’t allow them to.

Further, which country was it that led the world in defeating the most horrible, homicidal philosophy—atheistic communism led by the Soviet Union—mankind has ever seen?  At one point, half the world’s population lived under a despotic communist regime.  Who stopped that?  Who put an end to it?  The United States of America did, thank you, and especially, thank you, Ronald Reagan.  We probably could save a billion and half more people from communism today if only we had a President who believed in something other than the perversion of perverts, who truly cared about human rights and prosperity, and who didn’t love China and hate his own country.

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