Carbon Dioxide Is NOT Causing ‘Climate Crisis,’ Study Warns


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A group of leading climate scientists has issued a warning to governments and the public after conducting a study that debunks the globalist anti-carbon agenda.

Three scientists, including the world-renowned Atmospheric Professor Yi Huang of Canada’s McGill University, have published a study showing that carbon dioxide is not causing a so-called “climate crisis.”

They analyzed data that is frequently used to promote the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda.


However, even after doubling the current amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in their calculations, the scientists found that figures quoted for the impact on “global warming” were exaggerated by at least 40 percent.

In addition, they found that CO2 isn’t capable of heating the atmosphere beyond the levels already passed in the pre-industrial age.

“Transmissivity in the CO2 band center is unchanged by increased CO2 as the absorption is already saturated,” they note.

The study’s findings destroy the “settled” climate science that backs the collectivist “Net Zero” agenda of WEF and its allies.

As Slay News has reported, carbon dioxide has become increasingly demonized by corporate elites, globalist government officials, the WEF, the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO, and other unelected bureaucrats.

In order to meet the goals of the “Net Zero” agenda, members of the general public will be expected to drastically reduce their quality of life while paying for major tax hikes to cover the cost of the scheme.

Sacrifices promoted by the WEF and UN include bans on private car ownershiprestrictions on traveleliminating the majority of the farming industryreplacing meat and dairy products with lab-grown and insect-based “foods,” and the introduction of digital IDsCBDCs, “cashless societies,” and limits of privacy.

The head of the UN, Antonio Guterres, even expects the public to start living in mud huts to meet the “Net Zero” targets.

One idea often touted by WEF members is massive global depopulation.

As Slay News reported, one WEF member recently suggested a 90 percent reduction in the world’s population would “help” globalists meet their “Net Zero” targets.

Of course, these restrictions will only apply to the general public and not the powerful elites who need private jets to “save the planet.”

Meanwhile, the findings from the groundbreaking study are likely to be ignored by the corporate media.

It’s more likely that some activist “journalists” and scientists may seek to get the paper retracted.

For the time being, it is published by the American Meteorological Society in its peer-reviewed Journal of Climate.

The scientists didn’t only debunk the anti-carbon “global warming” narrative, however.

Another sensational finding is that higher levels of CO2 seem to actually cool Antarctica.

“The [doubled CO2] forcing in polar regions is strongly hemispheric asymmetric and is negative in the Antarctic,” write the scientists.

None of this will be a surprise to regular readers since it would appear to be confirmed by observations that the region has shown “nearly non-existent warming” over the last 70 years.

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