from State Of The Nation:

FURRIES! Yes, they’re now here—people who
identify with a specific animal species and whose…

…fursonas can be stunningly similar to the furry
little beasts.
SOTN Editor’s Note: The New World Order globalist cabal knows that when their countless cultural marxists, anarchists, socialists, leftists, collectivists, communists and bolsheviks, who are all strategically positioned throughout the 50 states, have sufficiently and irreparably torn the fabric of American society, it’s all over for the Republic.

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The cabal knows that the most effective way to collapse any nation is to destroy it from within. And, that by systematically degrading the populace via so many nefarious schemes such as the LGBTQIA+ movement, which are implemented according to the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism, it’s just a matter of time before the final collapse occurs.

They’re also aware that all it take is for one generation to be so warped and without sound judgment that they will collectively ensure the demise of the country, especially through their complete lack of leadership AT THE LOCAL LEVEL.

Let’s face it, they globalists have completely owned and operated the U.S. Federal Government practically forever as they have all the state governments. However, their real goal going forward is to take over every single city and county in the USA. And the way they do that is by relentlessly sowing seeds of social chaos, confusion and conflict throughout those cities and counties, school districts and voting precincts.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co