They’ve Waited 5 Years To Do Anything With The Jeffrey Epstein Documents Because They Are Hoping To Use It To Stop Donald Trump From Running For President


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Old flight logs revealing that former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump took trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s famed ‘Lolita Express’ jet resurfaced Monday, on the anticipated eve of the bombshell court records dump expected to reveal hundreds of names tied to the financier’s sex-trafficking ring.

Right now the legacy media is attempting to create a buzz over the supposed release the client list of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and the flights logs for all the trips on his private plane are once again making news. But Epstein met his end 5 years ago, why are these things just being released now? Because Donald Trump is running for president, that’s why. Timing is everything, as they say.


Remember how excited you were when they were getting ready to release the ‘secret JFK files’ on his assassination, and how disappointed you were when they were published? The same thing happened with the hoopla over the ‘official report’ on UFO activity. Nothing but a nothing burger. So don’t expect any exciting revelation with the release of the Jeffrey Epstein documents, because nothing much will be revealed. But they will be used to 1). make Donald Trump look bad by association, 2). vindicate Bill Clinton for his 26 trips on the ‘Lolita Express’, and 3). further push the false narrative that Epstein committed suicide, which he clearly did notYou want the truth? Get yourself a King James Bible, because that’s the only place you’ll find it.

Jeffrey Epstein’s old flight logs showing trips by Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump resurface ahead of upcoming doc dump

FROM THE NY POST: The 42nd and 45th commanders-in-chief were exposed as some of the high-profile passengers who rubbed elbows with the pedophile when the logs were released two years earlier during convicted madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial.

Clinton is also expected to be identified as “John Doe 36,” who is mentioned more than 50 times in documents related to a 2015 lawsuit from Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre set to be released as early as Tuesday.

The flight logs, publicly available since December 2021, made the rounds on social media Monday, with many pointing out that the names of the two US presidents repeatedly appeared throughout the 118 pages. Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, former US Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) and disgraced Prince Andrew are other big names who were outed as passengers.

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