The Rise of the Farmer’s Daughter and Another Green Energy Revolt


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Yet another farm protest in the EU has farmer’s spraying “merde” on the streets of France. Green energy regulations are at the heart of the protest.

French Farmers Spray Manure and Dump Vegetables

Reuters reports French Farmers Block Roads, Dump Produce as Protest Edges Closer to Paris.


French farmers blocked highways and dumped crates of imported produce on Thursday, demanding urgent action on low farmgate prices, green regulation and free-trade policies as swelling protests moved closer to Paris.

French intelligence services have warned the government that regional farming unions have called on their members to converge on the capital, Le Parisien newspaper and BFM TV said.

The powerful FNSEA farming union late on Wednesday handed the government a list of their demands, including better enforcement of a law designed to safeguard farmgate prices. The union also called for continued diesel tax-breaks for agricultural vehicles, the immediate payment of EU agricultural subsidies, guarantees on insurance payouts related to health and climate, and immediate aid for winemakers and organic farmers.

Far right leader Marine Le Pen accused the government of complacency and backing European regulations that hurt farmers, such as rules on mandatory fallow land.
Emmanuel Macron addresses farmers with a hand on the shoulder and then knifes them in the back in Brussels,” Le Pen told reporters. “The farmers’ worst enemies can be found in this government”, she added.

Farmers in the southwest who on Wednesday sprayed manure over a local prefecture building in Agen, on Thursday directed their animal waste at a nearby Leclerc superstore, France’s biggest supermarket chain, as police looked on.

For more images, see In pictures: French farmers’ protest edges closer to Paris

Free Trade Green Trade Protest

Tires on Fire

Rise of the Farmer’s Daughter

Yesterday, the Renew party elected French MEP Valérie Hayer yesterday as their new leader.

I’m a farmer’s daughter, a farmer’s sister, a farmer’s sister-in-law and a farmer’s granddaughter”, Hayer said yesterday after her election by 100 MEPs from 24 countries.

Renew is a liberal, pro-European political group of the European Parliament.

Macron is hoping to halt the rise of Marine le Pen in France and is hoping the European Parliament will help.

A Farmer’s Daughter to Lead Renew

Eurointelligence notes A Farmer’s Daughter to Lead Renew

Farmers are having a moment in France. Spontaneous actions have been erupting nationwide, and a more structured mobilisation is on its way. Their grudge is not only against high costs, but also the avalanche of regulations from the government and Brussels. For example, to raise a hedge around a field, which helps the crop and protects habitats, they would have to consult 10 different pieces of legislation to conform with the law. Over-regulation and shrinking revenues due to high costs and low prices recently brought farmers in several EU countries to the streets.

She will be Emmanuel Macron’s lieutenant in Brussels, while Gabriel Attal is to lead the efforts in Paris in this campaign.

Hayer’s rise to the helm of Renew was only possible after current interim President Malik Azmani, from Mark Rutte’s VVD, failed to gain enough support due to worries about his party’s involvement in coalition talks with the far-right in the Netherlands.

Macron’s En Marche Party

French President Emmanuel Macron’s party is En Marche.

But in the European Parliament, La République En Marche sits in the Renew Europe group with five MEPs.

This coalition is what Eurointelligence meant with its statement Haver will be Emmanuel Macron’s lieutenant in Brussels.

Despite being pro-Europe, Haver will seek green energy relief for farmers.

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