One Year Away From The Deagel Report’s 2025 Forecast Date, ‘Death By Government’ Is Still The #1 Cause Of Death In The World And Ready To Explode As Global Govt Rushes To Impose Itself


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

For nearly the past 10 years now, dating all the way back to October 22nd of 2014, All News Pipeline has been reporting on the absolutely bizarre ‘forecast‘ for America and nearly all of Western Civilization being made by a mysterious website called the Deagel Report, a website which we’ve proven has ties to the military industrial complex, global government entities and the CIA, and a website which back in 2014 made a ‘forecast’ predicting that by the year 2025, the USA would have a population of 69 million people.


With that ‘forecast’ showing that in the present day (back then,) the USA had a population of 316 million people, we asked in our 2014 story how exactly they knew that our population would get all the way down to only 69 million by 2025, when it was then 316 million, a drop we pointed out would be a whopping 78.2%.

Also showing economically, America would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025, with Deagel forecasting that by the year 2025, our GDP per capita would be ONLY $13,591, a HUGE drop from our GDP per capita back then being $54,627, we’re not quite there yet but we’re flying in that direction.

So with ANP asking our readers all the way back in 2014 to please contact the White House at 202-456-1111 or reach out to their Congress members to demand some answers, we’d also reported in that 2014 story that we found it quite interesting that a deep state sourced website was predicting such a huge drop in America’s population at the same time that Barack Obama’s so-called ‘Ebola Czar,’ Ron Klain, was making a claim that ‘overpopulation’ was the world’s biggest problem, and Klain quite literally calling for ‘depopulation’ of the planet as a ‘solution’ to that problem.

With the Deagel Report also making some incredibly bizarre forecasts which we reported on in April of 2015 in which we showed many other western nations, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Greece, the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway were ALL showing a decline in their expected populations, sometimes huge population drops such as in the US and in the UK, even the mainstream media eventually took looks at Deagel’s forecast, but called them a ‘crazy conspiracy theory.’

Though as we’ve pointed out in numerous stories on ANP, such as this September 26th of 2021 story, Deagel’s sources are the ‘Deep State’ and ‘Global Government’ as seen in the image below that was screenshot from their website, including the US Department of Defense, US Department of State, the CIA, the European Union, World Bank as well as all of the branches of the US military.

So as we move forwards to today and America and the world now being less than 1 year away from 2025, as Mike Adams of Natural News points out in this recent Brighteon video as also seen in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, the destroyers of America are behind schedule. Still having a LONG way to go to get down to that 69 million number in only a year, we see in this Natural News story by Ethan Huff that even heavily censored Pfizer documents prove this ‘depopulation’ plan is real, and that, coincidentally or not, it was supposed to be reaching its completion by the year 2025. Some coincidence, huh?

With even members of the US military now seeking to court martial their leaders for forcing their members to take what amounts to an experimental bioweapon injection, while in the state of Florida according to this new Substack by Dr. Peter McCullough, their Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, a Harvard-trained MD, PhD, and arguably one of the top experts on COVID-19 in the world, has just called for a COMPLETE HALT to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA ‘vaxxes,’  how long will it be until the US govt apparatus puts a stop to these death shots, too? We’d venture the answer to be ‘never‘. And since ‘government’ will never stop the genocide, when, if ever, will MOST people finally come to the realization that their own government is working to kill them? Let’s take a look at this Natural News story before we continue.:

A startling prediction about what will soon come upon the world in the form of genocide is backed by the infamous Pfizer documents, which outline the five-year plan starting in 2020 to massively depopulate the world by the year 2025. 

In the confidential documents that Pfizer submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, is mentioned. It points to 2025 as the year when mass genocide from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” becomes apparent.

A minor branch of U.S. military intelligence, the Deagel corporation is somewhat secretive in that it operates behind the veil to collect data and other intelligence for high-level decision-making purposes throughout the military-industrial complex.

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