If The Deep State Cannot Stop Trump With Lawfare, Or Dire ‘End Of Democracy’ Warnings, Watch For A Leftist Military Coup Or A New ‘Plandemic’ To Delay Or Stop The 2024 Election


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

On Monday, Jan. 15, Stefan Stanford reported on the Disease X psyop being pushed by the WEF, WHO, and the CDC, with the help of the MSM for at least the past six years, preparing Americans for the next bioweapon coming our way, as well as creating vaccines for this yet unnamed disease they claim will kill 20 times more than Covid did.

Creating a vaccine for something that doesn’t exist yet……wow, that is talent! (Snark)

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When we speak of bioweapons, and biological warfare, it is a disease, or virus that was literally created in a lab, weaponized and then released, whether by “accident” or deliberate, the result is the same, a pandemic which kills indiscriminately.

Some of these biological agents have properties that would make them more likely candidates for weaponization, such as their lethality, ability to incapacitate, contagiousness or noncontagiousness, hardiness and stability, and other characteristics. Among the agents deemed likely candidates for biological weapons use are the toxins ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), botulinum toxin, and T-2 mycotoxin and the infectious agents responsible for anthrax, brucellosis, cholera, pneumonic plague, tularemia, Q fever, smallpox, glanders, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and viral hemorrhagic fever. Various states at various times have looked into weaponizing dozens of other biological agents in addition.

Then of course a vaccine is rushed out, which ends up killing or harming even more people, dubbed “vaccine injuries.”

With COVID being the first so-called pandemic that supposedly killed millions globally since the Spanish flu from 1918 to 1920, it seems quite unrealistic that another pandemic would occur on the heels of Covid, yet that is what the powers-that-be with the help of the media, want Americans to believe.

I say Covid “supposedly killed millions,” because after the initial deaths tolls were used to browbeat the masses into compliance of forced masking, social distancing, lockdowns, school closures, and mandated vaccinations, it was revealed that many deaths weren’t caused by Covid. A secondary infection from being on a ventilator was determined to have affected about half of the patients needing a ventilator. It was also later revealed that many died from something other than Covid, but were reported as Covid deaths because they had Covid when they died.

Secondary bacterial infection of the lung (pneumonia) was extremely common in patients with COVID-19, affecting almost half the patients who required support from mechanical ventilation. By applying machine learning to medical record data, scientists at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have found that secondary bacterial pneumonia that does not resolve was a key driver of death in patients with COVID-19, results published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Using the inflated Covid deaths, the scary new terminology of a “tripledemic,” and an intimidating CDC map, Americans are being led like sheep to slaughter in preparation for the next lockdown.


Gateway Pundit noticed something that should send chills down all our spines, as they report the “Department of Health Paving the Way for the Next Lockdown”

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was quietly amended, GP reports.

The changes, which are authorized through 2028, have sweeping implications.

mRNA shots for every ailment.

The new, amended PREP Act now covers Federal funding for counteractions against the viruses including all:

Devices, Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and most importantly, Vaccines.

Considering there has never been an Ebola or Marburg pandemic in the US – nor is there a credible cause for concern (remember Monkeypox?) These actions are just in time for a pandemic that doesn’t exist.

They also made sure to continue the protection of big pharma with liability immunity.

The we have to reportage of a CDC map of reported respiratory illness. The map is listed as “level of respiratory illness by state as of December 30, 2023.”

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