With War The Usual ‘Remedy’ Of History To Correct Severe Economic Woes, And The Globalists In America Trying To Silence Even The Slightest Opposing Voices, Beware The Chinese Military


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

– The US Govt Has Joined China And Their ‘Reign Of Terror’ Upon ‘The People’

Back in 1976 a couple of US senators, Republican Mark Hatfield of Oregon and Democrat Vance Hartke of Indiana, proposed in a Bill to create an organization called the George Washington Peace Academy to advance the ideas of peace in a world gone mad, and Congress agreed to look into that idea.   In 1979 Jimmy Carter commissioned the United States Academy of Peace chaired by Democrat Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii who held both House and Senate offices to chair the commission to look into it and in 1981 they recommended the creation of a national peace academy.  1984 saw the inclusion of the United Institute of Peace Act in the Defense Authorization Act to “serve the people and the government … to promote international peace and the resolution of conflicts … without recourse to violence.” President Ronald Reagan signed it into law in 1984.

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Reading through their history seems give me the impression that they are designed to clean up what they’re able of our Administrations and the Pentagons blunderings but have been fairly ineffective or at least marginal in patching up relations with those our CIA – err, pardon me, I suppose I meant to say elitist CFR overlords – umm, (I need to try harder to get this closer to correct) so I must have meant upper reaches of our government’s policies have done to destroy the reputation of and respect for this nation.   I mention that because some of the information below comes from articles on their website.

On December First they published an article almost singing the Chinese communists love and praise for Kissinger and how he (and Nixon) were two of their favorite heroes of relations with the US saying “For the Chinese, Kissinger is inseparable from what is widely viewed as a golden era in U.S.-China relations.”  They love that war mongering fascist as much as the radical left of this nation does if not much more.  I suppose that if you consider the wealth of industrial, military and technical assist they got from those relations, then that may make sense.

If you think our fiscal situation here in the states is in dire straits, those of the Chinese is likely even worse as they ship very little of what they once did to the US as can be seen by the dramatic drop in cargo ships entering our ports from China and global shipping overall way down and unemployment is raging there.  Much of this is still being blamed on the so-called Covid slowdown, which was an engineered result of closing the economies down with forced stay at home and closed factories, offices and more.  Even NPR posted an article with the headline “China’s economic woes keep getting worse. Here’s why” while conveniently forgetting to add in so many other factors other than the three year Covid lockdown that we cannot cover much at this time (and they appear to be ready to do it again); we just want to make sure you understand the fundamental attitude of our government to China.

Moody’s Investor Service has downgraded their outlook on the credit rating of China to negative reasoning that “concerns over a slowing economy and the weight of massive debt, which currently stands at a staggering 300% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Additionally, the agency raised alarm over a potential $11 trillion in off-the-books debt, suggesting that central planners may have employed such measures to artificially boost economic growth.”  So much for their Miracle of Chinese growth when they have one of the world’s highest debt loads but still not as bad as the US debt load of about $33 trillion with Statistics Times noting that the “United States and China are the two largest economies globally in both Nominal and PPP methods. US is at the top in nominal, whereas China is at the top in PPP since 2016 after overtaking the US. As of 2023, both countries together share 42.73% and 34.23% of the entire world’s GDP in nominal and PPP terms, respectively.”  42.73% of the entire world’s GDP for the USA compared to 34.23% for China is very close to 76% of the worlds’ total GDP in just two nations with all of the rest filling in the bottom 24% of world output.  We may be in trouble and China as well, and what would you guess would happen to the world as a whole if we both failed?  War is usually the remedy used in history to correct severe economic woes, and this situation seems likely to be no exception.

One thing absolute dictatorships like the Chinese Communist Party cannot stand is dissension from within the ranks, it is not allowed and many have disappeared over the decades since the CCP came into power.  We are speaking in the many millions.  About three years ago VOA (Voice Of America) reported on one (Cai Xia, former professor at the elite Central Party school) that spoke out against what they were up to and said that Xi faces widespread opposition inside the party and is doing everything he can to maintain stability from within. That frequently means using a variety of methods to suppress dissent or even differing voices within the party.  How does that differ from what we are seeing from our own deep/dark state presently in control?  “There’s a rule among party leaders. The more pressure it faces externally, the more it fears internal problems,” she said. “Now with great challenges home and abroad, they are trying to silence even the slightest different voices to maintain stability inside the party.”

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