WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Could this be the latest predictive programming, similar to ‘Event 201’ was for the Covid pandemic?

As we approach December 31, you will inevitably hear people across the world celebrating the end of another dreadful year and cheering on the arrival of brighter times in 2024.

It can only get better, right?

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I beseech you, dear readers, not to participate in this fantasy. We should expect and prepare for things to get worse before they get better. The globalists who run the world have told us in the wide open what they have planned and it’s not pretty.


The year 2023 was no cakewalk, for sure, but it could very well be the last year in which we enjoyed a semblance of normalcy. There was no pandemic. War broke out but it didn’t come to our shores. Our paper money still buys food for our Christmas table and energy to heat our homes, even if it’s more expensive than in previous years. The fact that this worthless fiat paper is still capable of being traded for food, shelter and other hard assets is a blessing that might not be available to us one year from now. You might want to take full advantage of this while you can.

With the world’s superpowers remaining far apart in terms of how we move forward into a new era marked by artificial intelligence, digital currencies and total information awareness (i.e. the surveillance state), we should expect that the globalists will succeed in pushing the world closer to full-blown World War III next year. When the powderkeg finally blows, that war will come to U.S. soil.

We also face the destabilizing effects of another U.S. presidential election in November 2024. Regardless of which way that election goes, I see the globalists exploiting it for more chaos, confusion and division, an environment in which their Luciferian agenda thrives.

The globalist elites have done their best to inform us ahead of time of what to expect. They talk a lot about cyber attacks. Not the little ones we hear about daily. No, they’re talking about massive ones that will cause widespread panic among the people.

In fact, they are fond of using words like “catastrophic” and “apocalypse.” (See article from Jan. 25, 2023, by Popular Mechanics titled A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says)

Jeremy Jurgens, the managing director of the World Economic Forum, stated at the WEF’s annual summit in January 2023 that a disrupting cyber event would likely take place before 2025. Well, 2023 has come and gone and we have not seen any debilitating cyber event. If Jurgens’ prediction proves accurate, then that would leave 2024 as the year for this horrific event to go down, because it would need to happen before 2025.

Klaus Schwab himself, the top dog at the WEF, warned a couple of years ago about a coming major cyber attack that will make Covid look like “a small disturbance,” shutting down the power grid, which would upend the communications, transportation, banking and healthcare sectors.

We know that something catastrophic needs to happen in order for the globalists to be able to fully implement their plans for a “Great Reset” of the world order.

It could be an EMP or nuclear war. But a series of major cyber attacks shutting down the banking and communications infrastructure seems like a more likely scenario because it would allow the globalists to shut down online truthtellers and use the chaos and confusion to round up their enemies. Then, when their mission is accomplished, they simply turn the infrastructure back on and continue on the road to total dictatorship, minus the annoying truthtellers like myself and so many others.

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