WATCH: Rudy Giuliani Addresses Media After Day 3 in $40 Million Defamation Trial by Georgia Election Workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss – Giuliani Expected to Testify TOMORROW


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Rudy Giuliani was in court on Wednesday for the third day of his DC show trial as a DC jury decides how much he will be forced to pay Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, for alleged defamation after he claimed the two women contributed to voter fraud in the 2020 election.   

The plaintiffs’ attorneys rested their case after questioning Ruby Freeman for over an hour.


Following the 2020 presidential election, Rudy Giuliani and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft were sued by the two election workers. Ruby and Shaye claim that they were threatened by third parties after the claims were made.

In August of this year, Obama-appointed DC Judge Beryl Howell decided that Rudy Giuliani was legally liable for defaming  Ruby and Shaye because he was late in producing relevant evidence to the election workers’ attorneys. So she pronounced Rudy guilty of the crime! We later learned that Rudy could not turn over the documents to the attorneys because he was not holding the information – investigators were holding it in another case against Rudy.

Howell is the same radical left Judge who recently went on an unhinged rant during a speech, suggesting that the country is creeping towards authoritarianism, not because of her uber-partisan actions as a lawless judge but because Donald Trump is a tyrant.

The radical and lawless Judge Howell is also overseeing the case against President Trump in Washington, DC.

How is this acceptable? This is something you would expect from a third-world country.

You can see from Judge Howell’s  body language and attitude that she holds utter contempt for Mayor Giuliani and his counsel, but esteem for plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss and their attorneys.

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