The ‘Global Elite’ Are Stocking Up For Armageddon As Joe Biden And His Clan Of War Criminals At The Department Of Defense Openly Maneuver To Get The US Into World War 3


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– People In The UK Warned To ‘Prepare For Power Cuts And Digital Communications Going Down’

According to this new story over at The Guardian, people in the UK have been told by their Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden that they should be stocking up on battery-powered radios, candles, torches, flashlights and first aid kits among other items, to prepare for power cuts or digital communications going down in the days ahead, the latest warning proving that global governments know that something huge is about to happen.  TRUTH LIVES on at

Also announcing the launch of a ‘national resilience academy’ that will help people and businesses prepare for future pandemics, natural disasters and cyber-attacks, claiming that this ‘academy‘ would help the “whole of society” prepare for the risks, Dowden mentioned a possible war with Russia as one of the risks the people of the UK faced, along with cyber-attacks that take down the electrical grid or communications, future ‘pandemics,’ Artificial Intelligence gone haywire and ‘extreme weather’ as some of the other ‘risks‘ that the people faced. Though he never once mentioned genocidal global government terrorists, though we all know the emerging ‘global government dictatorship’ is the greatest threat now facing humanity.

Making those remarks as he visited ‘Porton Down,’ the government’s experimental warfare research lab, Dowden’s comments are just the latest huge signs these eugenicists, who are bent upon destroying the planet, may themselves take down the grid in some kind of false flag attack, blaming it upon some cyber hackers half a world away, while his remarks that people should stock up on ‘torches’ rings of a ‘new dark ages’ ahead, reminding us of our great, great ancestors who were living in caves.

And as Mike Adams of Natural News reports in the 1st and 2nd videos at the bottom of this story, many of the so-called ‘global elite‘ clearly see what’s coming, stocking up their underground survival bunkers this very moment with 10 years worth of food and supplies, though we’ll argue that they ‘see’ what’s coming because THEY THEMSELVES are the ones planning it and preparing to carry it out in an attempt for them to escape being tried, convicted and executed for the genocide they’ve been carrying out planetwide.

With Mike also arguing in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story that there are numerous indications that something big is about to go down, warning of multiple confirming signals pointing to a cyber takedown of the financial system, the fact that this is also happening at a time when both the UK and the USA are preparing to ditch coal powered electrical plants, to ‘appease’ the global warming cult, is another dire warning of the dangers ahead as we race full speed ahead into another brutally cold winter.

So with everything pointing to more and more government acts of terror being carried out upon ‘The People’ in the days ahead, acts of terror that they’ll surely blame upon others as we saw in their 1962 plans for ‘Operation Northwoods,’ in the next section of this story we’re going to take a look at some remarks just made by ‘terrorist in chief’ Joe Biden showing just how close we are to World War 3.

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