Kerry – WEF – First Movers Coalition


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

John Kerry declared that America would adhere to the Power Past Coal Alliance and partner with 56 other nations in eliminating coal power. Kerry committed $3 billion to the cause which should come as no surprise since Kerry collaborated with the World Economic Forum to launch the First Movers Coalition (FMC) back at the COP26.

The WEF describes the coalition as the “world’s largest private sector demand signal for emerging climate technologies.” With over 95 members, the FMC believes it can reduce the demand for energy and carbon emissions. Even the WEF admits the infrastructure for its plan is not currently available. “It is estimated that 50% of the reductions needed for net-zero emissions by 2050 must come from technologies not yet available at scale – technologies like hydrogen to produce low-emission steel, sustainable aviation fuel, or carbon capture and storage technologies that capture residual emissions.”


Kerry has said the Paris Climate Agreement is “not enough.” “The notion of a reset is more important than ever before” according to Kerry. He added: “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.” The climate tzar flies around in his private jet telling coal miners to make solar panels, and you should live in his 15-minute cities and walk everywhere. He believes the US has “populism” not democracy ever since Trump won the White House.

Kerry is a Davos man. They are signing agreements on our behalf that we never had an opportunity to vote on. The emergency rush to move to neutral by 2050 is blindly accepted by most governments who are going to implement some intensive changes to adhere to these pledges.

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