Israel accused of secretly deploying NEUTRON BOMBS in Gaza as weapons of genetic extermination


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

The following is a partial transcript of Brighteon Broadcast News for December 19, 2023, in which Mike Adams interviews Christopher Busby, a physicist, science paper author and investigator into both depleted uranium and neutron bombs. The full broadcast and interview will be found at this link:

Welcome to Brighteon Broadcast News for Tuesday, December 19 2023. Mike Adams here, thank you for joining me today. It’s not that uncommon to use the term bombshell to describe news that you’re breaking. But today, we have a literal bombshell piece of news, because this news is about neutron bombs and the claim by a British scientist, who I’ve interviewed today, the claim that Israel is using neutron bombs right now, which is leaving behind verifiable levels of enriched uranium in Gaza, and that the United States also possesses this weapon, and that the US used it in Fallujah. The claim is that Israel also use this in Lebanon in 2006. And in Gaza, in subsequent years.


This is going to take a little bit of science to explain. But once you understand what has been found and confirmed, you will never be able to unsee this. So stay tuned for that interview with Chris Busby, who is with coming up here today. I’m also going to cover his most recent paper, which was just published on December 8, and it is titled Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon.

So this is an eye opening topic here with massive global implications. But first, let me cover some other breaking news around the world.

Volcano erupts in Iceland

Remember that volcano that was about to blow in Iceland? Well, it has erupted and it is now being called a worst case scenario. That’s according to Icelandic volcanologist [name]. If I’m getting that correct, says the eruption appears big and only about two kilometers from major infrastructure. Hundreds of people had been evacuated in previous weeks, by the way. But this eruption is very close to a geothermal power plant near the town of [town]. And apparently this eruption is sending jets of lava 330 feet into the air. It’s not clear yet whether this volcano will have global implications, but we’ll keep an eye on it and keep you posted.

Children’s applesauce packs contaminated with high levels of lead

The next story is that applesauce products which have been sold in the United States have been found to be heavily contaminated with lead. These apple fruit puree pouches have been sold on Amazon and some retail outlets in the United States including Dollar Tree and some grocery chains including Schnucks.

So these products applesauce pouches may have been intentionally contaminated with lead. And the CDC says it has identified a total of 125 cases from 22 states across the nation, where children in particular were exposed to alarming levels of lead and they were poisoned. Their blood tests showed lead levels as high as 29 micrograms per deciliter, which is way above, it’s almost 10 times the blood limit that set by the CDC in terms of lead presence in the blood. Because these applesauce products were package for children, the children consume them and many have been exposed.

These children experienced signs of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea anemia, and changes in activity levels. Lead is of course highly toxic to human beings and it could cause kidney problems and cardiovascular effects and so on. This is a reminder that it’s important to make sure the food you consume has been tested for heavy metals. And as you know, I have a food science lab and we run heavy metals testing on all the nutrition products and food products that we sell at We’ve talked previously about high lead levels in Moringa. We’ve seen lead and cadmium in cacao products and chocolate products. And of course, we reject those lots that have high heavy metals in them. But turmeric is very often contaminated with high levels of lead. We’ve also seen it in maca root and ginger powder and so on. A lot of the root vegetables tend to have high levels of lead.

But in this case with the applesauce products, the FDA and the CDC believed that there was intentional contamination. And apparently this product was manufactured in Ecuador. It’s currently believed by US authorities, although they don’t have any proof of this that there was “economically motivated adulteration,” which means that they believe somebody intentionally dumped lead into the apple sauce vat of this manufacturer in order to destroy the company’s reputation and economic viability. So this is a case of economic sabotage that also involves poisoning children with lead. How crazy is that?

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