Henry Kissinger engineered the Deep State’s globalist war on people


by Steven Mosher, LifeSite News:

It was Henry Kissinger who oversaw an infamous memo that turned population control into a weapon in the Cold War. Both his tactics and rationalization for the war on population are still in use today.

There are many things to criticize about Henry Kissinger’s career. Leftists point to the bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, American complicity in the coup in Chile that brought down the Communist regime of Salvador Allende, and his interference in Iranian politics.

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Conservatives, on the other hand, underscore his betrayal of the South Vietnamese and the abandonment of democratic Taiwan. They add that calling Kissinger a scholar statesman, as some do, makes no sense given his decades-long service to Communist China as a paid lobbyist/apologist for the regime.

But I would lay an additional charge against the one-time American diplomat.

It was Henry Kissinger, as President Nixon’s national security advisor, who oversaw the production of an infamous memo that turned population control into a weapon in the Cold War. Even today, his argument that America’s national security depends upon waging war on people continues to be used to justify the promotion of abortion, sterilization, and contraception around the world.

National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), as the memo was called, was more commonly known as “The Kissinger Report” after its author. The 250-page report, a joint effort of the NSA, CIA, Department of State, and Pentagon was kept secret – for good reason – until it was finally declassified in 1989.

Believing that people mean power, and worried about the demographic decline of the West, these practitioners of realpolitik unapologetically sought to engineer a fertility decline among more prolific peoples. And they were fully prepared to deceive and strong-arm other countries into doing so.

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