Argentina’s Javier Milei Administration: The Lunatic, the Beautiful and the Rich


by Hermann Ploppa, Global Research:

He exudes the charisma of a vacuum cleaner salesman who uses cocaine and alcohol to get the most out of himself. The presidential candidate is waving around wildly with a chainsaw. The man wants to use this to saw apart the political caste on the Rio de la Plata. Fake dollar bills with the face of this very presidential candidate, Javier Milei, rain down on his cheering fans.

Milei wants to abolish the Argentine national currency and introduce the US dollar instead and at the same time “blow up” the Argentine central bank. Milei performs a wild dervish dance on stage when it is clear that he has won the election by a landslide, ten percent ahead of his rival from the Peronist party. “The Wig” (La Peluca), as Milei is called by his fans because of his wild rocker hair, never minces his words and uses sub-proletarian jargon to rant against anyone whom he doesn’t like. The Argentinian Pope Francis is also disqualified as an “emissary of evil” by Milei. The “wig” enjoys an almost inexplicable immunity and jester’s licence in the country.


The last presidential election in Argentina was at least not boring at any stage because of this Latin American version of a buffoon. In Argentina, too, you score points by attacking the ruling caste of politicians with hateful tirades.

But while we in the northern hemisphere are still complaining at a very high level, the Argentinians have had nothing to laugh about or bite about for a long time.

The annual inflation rate is an incredible 145 percent.

Unemployment is officially only seven percent. But there is hidden unemployment, and it can be as high as 44 percent.[1]

There are big regional differences. While the greater area around the capital Buenos Aires is still relatively well positioned, people in structurally weak regions can definitely go hungry. The proportion of Argentines living below the poverty line is currently estimated to be over forty percent[2].

Argentina was an extremely wealthy country until the mid-1950s. Back then, people immigrated en masse from crisis-ridden Europe to finally find orderly conditions in Argentina. The political coordinates in Argentina are different from the rest of the world. The politician Juan Peron, who sympathized with fascism, dominated the scene for a long time.

His authoritarian style of government went hand in hand with an active social policy. The price-performance ratio was right for the common people.

But the military repeatedly seized power and left scorched earth behind. The so-called Peronism developed many different varieties.

Social Democratic Peronists dominated the scene, repeatedly interrupted by military coups. In the long term, this contributed to the disastrous alliance of oligarchs, latifundistas, reactionary Catholic clergy and Peronist politicians who mismanaged to a power stalemate. The ever-increasing unemployment was disguised by creating always new jobs in the public service. In this way, 22 percent of all employees are active in the public sector[3]. An eternal back and forth between half-baked approaches to social justice and market-radical clear-cutting policies has ruined the country.

In this situation, large sections of Argentine society are clearly willing to vote for anyone who looks different from the established politicians. It is not good news that Javier Milei has to announce. The state apparatus should be dismantled with a chainsaw, so to speak.

Whatever is not nailed down should be privatized.

The state should only be there to protect property and create legal certainty. Everything else should be handled by the private sector. Private prisons. To make this worthwhile, the minimum age for imprisonment should be lowered. Gun laws should be relaxed. Instead of human rights, there should only be the right to own one’s own body. That’s why anyone can sell their body organs on the open market as they wish. Since children are the products of parental efforts, the children can also be sold. Compulsory schooling is abolished. It is up to the parents how they raise and educate their children[4].

Argentina’s membership in the loose BRICS confederation, which has just been established, will be terminated on January 1st next year.

Trade with China shall be reduced to zero. ??

This is of course particularly risky because the People’s Republic of China is currently the country’s second strongest trading partner on Rio de la Plata after Brazil. Instead there will be strong support for Israel and Ukraine once Milei is inaugurated as president.

As a result, Milei immediately flew to Washington before his inauguration on December 10th to meet with representatives of the US government.

And on site, Milei went to New York just to visit the grave of Rabbi Menachim M. Schneerson, who had once emigrated from Ukraine to the USA. At this occasion Milei was wearing the obligatory Kipa. He also declared that he would soon convert from Catholicism to Judaism[5].

That’s quite a paradox for a man who prefers to surround himself with his four cloned mastiffs and thus mess with God’s plan of creation. However, these are contradictions that the Catholic Church has come to terms with comfortably. Milei owes his clear victory, among other things, to the fact that he was able to win Victoria Villaruel, a representative of the old clerical-fascist clique, as vice president.

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