Your Climate Minute


by Lawyer Lisa, Lawyer Lisa’s Substack:

We are in the process of trying to round them on the curve on CBDC and Climate impoverishment. I have been thinking a bit about DEI’s ultimate aims. I will tell you at the end my thoughts on that.

“Some of the models suggest.. there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice free within the next five to seven years” Al Gore 2009 COP15


Artic Sea Ice melt still hasn’t done the catastrophic thing Gore predicted. Is that why he has a beautiful home on the ocean.

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By the way this is ‘fact-checked’ as he did NOT say it. But here you have it. Fact-checkers seem like ‘we have checked this fact as inconvenient’ to the narrative we are pushing. Also download or copy the video. It’ s such a damning one.

Diversity, is Open borders and ultimate globalism so we have the same amount of every kind of person including trans-humans in every location. OK.

Equity is everyone having the same carbon allotment, same (ill) health, and same number of calories. Marxism down to the air you breath. OK.

Inclusion has to do with CBDC and the chip necessary to make it work.

That is DEI or where it is headed.

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