Signs That Complete Economic Collapse Is Underway: Interest On U.S. Debt Tops $1 Trillion, Credit Rating Downgraded To Negative, And Banks Suddenly Closing Accounts For No Reason


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

While the media continues to blow smoke up our collective behinds, telling us  we are financially better off, as millions of Americans are maxxing out their credit cards just to survive the price of food along with their rent/mortgage and utilities, signs of economic collapse are all around us.

Here is an example of the media spin on behalf of the Biden regime, from Washington Post from two days ago:


There’s an economic mystery confounding the White House: Most Americans are financially better off than they were before the coronavirus pandemic, but they feel worse about their economic prospects.

Do you feel financially better off? Do you have more money in the bank now than you did before the Covid hysteria hit?

Here is key quote that would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. “That disconnect between a booming economy and how Americans feel about it appears to be widening at a critical time ahead of next year’s presidential election. It is also shaping up to be a key liability for the White House, even as its policies are bolstering job creation and business investments.”

In other words Ladies and Gentlemen, your eyes, wallets, and bank accounts are lying to you, you are doing great, so get on board you peons!

One of the most egregious, or maybe a better word would be audacious, arguments, is that inflation is lower now than last month, and last month is was lower than the month before, so everyone should be celebrating, despite the fact that prices have not gone down, and paychecks have not risen near as much as the prices have.

The puff piece, like so many others from the MSM attempting to protect Biden from his own failed policies, completely ignores that 86% of Americans admit they are worse off under Biden.

Joe Biden’s response, or to be more accurate, what his handlers tell him to say is Reelect me, “Let’s Finish This Job.”

Before moving on to the obvious signs of the American economy starting to collapse, a paragraph from the piece linked above.

It took a few years for people to admit the truth – life in America has drastically downgraded under Biden. Inflation has surged to 40-year highs under Biden. The US trade deficit has increased by 24.6%. Public debt has increased 22.5% as most Americans rely on credit for basic necessities. Home prices have increased well over 30%, gas prices have doubled, and the CPI in general spiked 17.1% in Biden’s first 32 months in office. I do not believe the inflation statistics produced by government agencies for a moment. Simply look around and you can see that we pay more for absolutely everything.

Another Biden regime term would “finish this job” of destroying America from within, and that is if the economy doesn’t fully collapse before the 2024 presidential election.

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