One U.S. city is so unpleasant, migrants return to tyrannical nation they left!


from WND:

‘We didn’t know things would be this hard’

It’s true that Chicago, run for many years by Democrats, has a horrifyingly high crime rate, worse even than some Third World nations.

And both corporations and residents in recent years have pulled up stakes and moved elsewhere.


But in what has to be a crowning insult, the city has become so “unpleasant” that migrants are fleeing back to Venezuela, despite its socialist government.

It is the Daily Mail that described the city’s fall.

“Since August last year, 20,700 migrants have arrived in Chicago from Texas. The Lone Star State’s Gov. Greg Abbott sent migrants to Chicago and other Democrat-run cities because of their proud status as ‘sanctuary cities.’ They offer enhanced protection against detention or deportation for undocumented migrants,” the report said.

But “Illinois’ harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and ambivalent support from locals has made many people, who undertook the harsh U.S.-Mexico border journey, actually turn around and go back home,” it said.

The report explained how Venezuela-born Michael Castejon, 39, and family members have had to sleep on police station floors and in shelters, because his work permit was slow to arrive and they could not afford rent without subsidies, which expired.

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