Israel Day 33: How Freelance ‘Embedded’ Reporters Aid America’s News Media


by IQ al-Rassooli, American Thinker:

It looks like the reports that Muslim press people working freelance for CNN, AP, NYT, and others participated as embedded people with Hamas terrorists on 7th October 2023.

It is very relevant at this point that I share with our readers many facts that are never brought to their attention by others. The Western mainstream news media are as newsworthy as used tampons. They never tell their readers the facts. They only regurgitate what their owners tell them to indoctrinate hundreds of millions of people in Europe and the Americas.


The editors of all the above are actual criminals who, with malice aforethought, deliberately mislead, misrepresent, and deceive said hundreds of millions with slanted misinformation that fits only the narrative of their owners.

President Donald J Trump was magnanimous, calling these dastardly entities ‘Fake News’. They are truly criminally negligent enemies of “We the People,” whose editors should be held responsible for deliberately and invariably twisting the truth.

For decades, the editorial boards of these felons knew full well that the Muslim reporters they were employing never told them the truth because they were part and parcel of the problem.

The fake media accuse many Americans of being Islamophobic. The media are as knowledgeable about language as they are about telling the truth. The actual meaning of Islamophobia is the irrational fear of Islam or Muslims. Considering the fact that the only purpose in life for Sharia-compliant Muslims (1.6 billion) is to force every non-Muslim (6.4 billion) to either submit to ungodly Sharia or be exterminated, fearing Islam and Muslims is most definitely very rational, while not fearing Islam and Muslims would be irrational. Therefore, Islamophobia is an oxymoron.

For the last 50 years, the above fake news media has sided invariably with the Muslim aggressors against Israel because they took the words of their Arab or Muslim ‘reporters’ and or advisors as Gospel truth without any verification. Although, on innumerable occasions, they found out that the Muslims were deliberately misrepresenting the facts, they nonetheless accepted and published their unproven reports.

Throughout history, Muslims have always been the aggressors and never the victims, starting with their mentor, Muhammad bin Abd Allah, 1,400 years ago. He insulted and denigrated the gods of his kith and kin tribe of Quraysh without being slaughtered because they truly thought he was – not a dangerous person – but a harmless person possessed with evil spirits.

Now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, proving conclusively how evil and complicit the media is with the worst act of terror since 9/11, Israel is being proven right all along regarding the one-sided media reporting in every conflict she has had with Muslims.

Not only is Israel being betrayed by the UN, UNRWA, and her so-called Western leaders – who are only sitting on the sidelines and not participating in the War on Terror – but also, adding insult to injury, the now proven direct complicity of the major media against her very survival.

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