Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination — A Disabling Illness


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Four research papers reviewed

July 4, 2023 – I took two COVID jabs while studying to be a Catholic priest. Now I’m in a wheelchair.

Julian Young was enrolled as a seminarian in the northeastern United States, that he received two doses of a COVID “vaccine,” and that he is now under medical care for autoimmune disease.

An autoimmune disease led to me leaving the seminary, and I believe my two COVID jabs are to blame.


Happy in my studies, I decided to do the ‘safe’ thing and get the jab

It was 2020 when I began my studies and, of course, at this time there was still widespread fear about COVID-19. The “vaccines” were about to be rolled out, and there was a lot of disagreement about whether or not the shots were safe. By the end of my spring semester 2021, like so many others, I unfortunately allowed fear to dictate my decision and decided to do the “safe” thing for my family and get the jab.

The ill effects of this poor decision weren’t immediate, so at first it did not occur to me that there was any correlation, but over the course of the next several months I began to experience inflammation in my lower body that caused pain in my back, especially, making it hard to sit. I figured that I just needed to go to the chiropractor, which helped a little, but the inflammation persisted.

That winter I made the unfortunate decision to get “boosted,” and that is when things really took a turn for the worse. Around that same time, I had injured my foot while running down some steps, and I began to feel inflammation around the site of the injury. To my bafflement, I began experiencing soon after a mirror phenomenon of pain and inflammation in my other foot as well, although I had done nothing to injure it.

I figured that I just needed to see a doctor, and that my feet would heal soon, so I went to a podiatrist who put me in a boot for six weeks and told me I would get better. However, he could not explain why my other foot was experiencing the same pattern of pain. By the end of the six weeks, not only was I not better, but the pain in both of my feet had elevated to an extreme burning and tingling.

At this time I was in still at the seminary, and although I managed to finish the semester, it was very difficult to get around and also to focus on my studies while trying to figure out what was going on with my health.

By the summer of 2022, my health continued to get worse. The inflammation and burning spread up my body, leading me to be relegated to a wheelchair. I didn’t have much success during the summer with doctors, so eventually I was forced to take a medical leave from my studies. It wasn’t until some friends pointed out to me that I had been “vaccinated” soon before the decline of my health that I began to realize the likely connection.

Mercury toxicity, complex regional pain syndrome, POTS 

It has been a year now since I first took my medical leave, and I have had to surrender my status as a seminarian on an indefinite basis. During the course of the past year, it was found that I have mercury toxicity, which of course is a rare thing to have, but — not surprisingly — mercury has since been demonstrated to be in the COVID jabs along with other toxic heavy metals.

I was also diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a rare autoimmune disease rooted in dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which usually begins with a minor trauma (in my case the foot injury) to which the nervous system, being in a compromised state, has an over-reactive response. This causes the trauma to exacerbate into a full blown inflammatory disease, in many cases spreading to the entire body. This is what has already happened to me. People with CRPS say it feels like they are being burned alive, and I attest that this has unfortunately been my experience, especially during really bad flare-ups.

Additionally, although I am still being tested, one of my doctors strongly believes that I have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), another debilitating autoimmune disease rooted in autonomic nervous system dysfunction. It affects one’s heart and blood pressure.  NBC News recently did a story on the spike of people being diagnosed with POTS after getting COVID. I have never had COVID, but I wouldn’t put it past the jabs to have the same effect.

I have been to the ER so many times in the past year that I have lost count.  I have seen so many specialists, and yet my life still consists of sitting in my house day after day in crippling pain praying that our Lord would restore me so that I can return to my studies and become His priest. Although I know God can bring good out of my suffering, it is a very heavy burden to me and my family. I have tried a lot of the detox protocols put out by  doctors and researchers trying to help vaccine injured people, and although I have seen some improvements, my development has not been linear, for other aspects of my health have continued to decline, leaving me with a daily struggle to survive.

It is for this reason that I am seeking the help of the LifeSiteNews community so that I may receive the proper treatment to regain my health and resume my vocation. To this end I reached out to LifeSite for help in raising awareness of my story. I was happy when they agreed to help me promote a LifeFunder for my cause as well – it was truly an answer to prayer.

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