Biden Regime Demands AI Impose Cultural Marxism


from Moonbattery:

For those unfortunate enough to be white, male, Christian, or sexually normal, an America run by AI will not be a welcoming place — by design. As if the leftists running the tech industry were not sufficiently politically correct, the Biden Regime makes the moonbattery mandatory:

Biden released an executive order aimed at regulating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry [yesterday], which includes a provision that AI must advance the goals of “civil rights” and “equity” — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework.


This Cultural Marxist framework explicitly punishes America’s core population to benefit favored identity groups. It is a recipe for the tearing apart of American society.

In the movies, AI turns against us after it develops self-awareness and starts acting in its own interests at the expense of humanity’s. In real life, it will be hostile from the beginning. Federal bureauweenies will see to it.

The White House says it will send out guidance to landlords, federal contractors, federal benefits programs and others to reduce the possibility of racial and other biases in their use of AI.

That is, to impose racial and other biases against identity groups disfavored by the ruling class.

There will also be enforcement: the White House fact sheet on the executive order states that there will be “training, technical assistance, and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI.”

You like chaos in the streets because incarcerating sociopaths is racist according to liberal ideology? Great, then you’ll love the USA under our silicon overlords.

Additionally, the use of AI in the criminal justice system will be a top priority, with plans to develop “best practices on the use of AI in sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention, risk assessments, surveillance, crime forecasting and predictive policing, and forensic analysis.”

Applying Democrat ideology to “sentencing, parole and probation, pretrial release and detention” means Lady Justice takes off her blindfold so that whites can be punished more severely than blacks. The political weaponization of the FBI indicates what we can expect of “risk assessments, surveillance.” For more information on “crime forecasting and predictive policing,” readers are referred to the movie Minority Report.

The bottom line: in order to avoid violating U.S. civil rights laws, in particular the doctrine of disparate impact, companies using AI may in some cases have to stop them from reaching conclusions that are too accurate.

As with climate models, AI will reach the conclusions it has been programmed to reach.

“Disparate impact” means fairness. Abolishing it will require a totalitarian regime to inflict the same punishment and bestow the same reward regardless of what individuals have deserved. AI will be useful in this regard.

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