American Patriots Have Grown War-Wise


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Lindsey Graham, the bellicose South Carolina senator full of empty conservative promises and love of mass amnesty for illegal aliens, responded to the Hamas terror attacks in Israel by promptly calling for the U.S. military to attack Iran and destroy its oil refineries.

Of all the ways we could cripple Iran’s (or Joe Biden’s) financing of Hamas (forbidding Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Joe Biden from handing the world’s leading State-sponsor of terrorism billions of dollars each year would be an excellent start), Graham goes straight to the option that will see already exorbitantly high oil prices skyrocket even further.  It sure is perplexing (not!) how every policy proposal coming from D.C. (regardless of nominal party affiliation) conveniently advances Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” agenda to make private car ownership unaffordable and windmill-powered scooter rentals slightly more appealing.


Graham wants $500/barrel oil and a new “religious war” in the powder keg that is the Middle East — quite the splashy platform for winning over the hippy, Birkenstock-wearing, Earth-worshiping slice of the electorate dedicated to waging war against “people of color.”

While Sean Penn and Hollywood’s other mental midgets push oil prices up with their steadfast support for death and slaughter in Ukraine, Graham will do the same with his sights set on Iran.  And the “Green New Deal” cult will continue to profit from its unspoken creed: “Make War, not Love” in order to “Save the Planet.”

Of course, Graham’s target audience is not American peaceniks-turned-Ukraine-war-hawks but rather American patriots willing to shed blood for their countrymen.  He seeks to use patriots’ love of God and country to dupe them into fighting for higher oil prices while tap-dancing into yet another endless war with unclear mission objectives and vague definitions of victory.  After a decade-plus of Obama, Biden, and Kerry propping up the Ayatollah’s Nazi State with pallets of cash and undeserved geopolitical clout, shouldn’t the Iran-appeasers be the first ones shoved to the front lines of any future conflict?  Before American patriots again risk life and limb for D.C.’s deadly policies, shouldn’t those most responsible for elevating Iran’s evil regime to the nuclear club first pay the debt they owe to the rest of the world for their misguided, if not malevolent, assistance in making Khamenei’s theocratic dictatorship even more dangerous?

Fat chance of that happening.  It is Washington’s errant policymakers who always march us into war with their malfeasance, but it is ordinary Americans who ultimately pay the price.  While the permanent ruling class makes a fortune selling U.S. government influence to our enemies, those same Potomac princelings always find a way to hide far in the back of the pack when hostilities draw near.  They cheerlead for war but witness its viciousness only on television screens from the safety of brown leather fainting couches and with the liquid courage that perpetual happy hour provides.

War felt like an excellent idea after 9/11, too.  After several decades of intermittent Islamic terror attacks on American tourists, embassies, barracks, and vessels, 9/11’s murderous wreckage briefly united the country in common desire for retribution.  Responding to a multi-pronged sneak attack comparable to Pearl Harbor seemed righteous and necessary, and patriots quickly volunteered for the fight.  For their service and sacrifice, however, the U.S. government has been an untrustworthy partner.

American warriors spent two decades fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan — leaving their families behind for years at a time — only to have Obama hand the former over to Iranian sympathizers and Biden hand the latter right back to the Taliban.  Taxpayers spent trillions of dollars to decisively defeat Islamic terrorism around the world only to watch that malignant evil posing as a religion mutate into the equally lethal variants spreading today.  After the briefest period of moral clarity in which officeholders rallied against political Islamism, false accusations of “Islamophobia” eventually became more rampant than needed denouncements of Islamic extremism.

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