Dr. Mengele 2.0 Eviscerated by CIA News Network (CNN) On Mask Efficacy


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

As this Substack predicted long ago, the usual useful idiot apparatchiks will at some point all be thrown under the proverbial PSYOP-19 buses. It is clearly now Dr. Fauci’s turn to be disposed of by his handlers:

In the above Mockingbird MSM interview, the most prolific mass murderer in world history was forced to admit that masks do less than zero for PSYOP-19. But the deranged doctor’s fragile ego (or why he was selected for the job many decades ago) would not allow him to be exposed as the murderous fraud that he has always been; instead, Dr. Fauci squirmed his way into yet another imbecilic “Trust the Science” because “I am the Science” lie:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

But there are other studies Michael that show at an individual level for individual— when you are talking about the effect on the epidemic or pandemic as a whole the data are less strong.

Because in a post truth reality inversion “Safe and Effective” clown world there is always that other BigPharma-funded study to cite.

Ask yourselves, why would CIA News Network finally be going after this pathologically lying psychotic?

Why now?

I don’t regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm’s way every day to take care of sick people

And this is how the MK Ultra Mask farce started:

He always knew masks would cause death and disease:

Blast from the Past: “Spanish Flu” Mortality According to Dr. Fauci & What Really Caused Deaths

SEPTEMBER 26, 2022
Blast from the Past: "Spanish Flu" Mortality According to Dr. Fauci & What Really Caused Deaths

No one could ever accuse Dr. Mengele 2.0 & Co. of not doing their due diligence prior to rolling out PSYOP-19, soon to be PSYOP-23. From all of the “Covid” patents between the CDC, NIH, Fauci, et al. that they racked up over the preceding decades, to the public admissions of Fauci’s pals on how to profit from the next “outbreak”, to the collusion between…

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