Why do our Western governments fear the truth and seek to crush its most ardent messengers?


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Dark days for the Republic

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who was detained by Ukrainian secret police back in May for “pro-Russian sympathies,” has reportedly been rearrested as he was trying to flee Ukraine into Hungary.

Zero Hedge noted Lira’s only crime was being a prolific publisher of YouTube videos critical of the U.S.-U.K.-Ukraine-NATO war machine.

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Based on his first arrest and allegations of how he was treated by his Ukrainian jailers, Lira is now in danger of being disappeared and subjected to severe torture. The Biden administration, meanwhile, stands off to the side giving a wink and a nod to its Ukrainian vassals.

Watch below as a reporter’s entirely legitimate question about Lira gets dismissed by a smug State Department spokesman during a media briefing on August 1.

It’s no surprise that an outspoken journalist with American citizenship is being thrown under the bus by the U.S. government simply because he reports on the dark side of the U.S./NATO military-industrial complex. This is the same regime that goes after its political opponents at home with an energy that would make Joseph Stalin and any Third World dictator proud.

This is part of a pattern. Journalists who refuse to carry the globalists’ water jugs continue to be purged. Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkisson, Tucker Carlson and many other lesser-known names have been rooted out of the news business over the last five to seven years because they reported on things we weren’t supposed to know.

Let’s face it, the First Amendment has been utterly crushed. We have, for all intents and purposes, lost our rights to free speech and freedom of the press. We have the equivalent of a state-run media now that feeds whatever talking points to the public they believe will advance and consolidate their growing powers over the people. They no longer work for us. As they see it, we exist at their pleasure. We have no rights, only privileges, and we must earn those privileges by being obedient to our elitist masters and their corporate media mouthpieces.

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