JAIL FAUCI: Recently Released Documents Reveal Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Received At Least 58 Vaccine Royalty Payments From Big Pharma and Chinese and Russian Entities


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Tony Fauci:
** Lied about the origins of the COVID19 virus
** Lied about funding the Wuhan lab that created the COVID19 virus
** Lied about gain of function testing at the Wuhan lab
** Lied about the effectiveness of hydroxycholoquine in treating the COVID19 virus – in preference of vaccines
** Lied about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the COVID19 virus – in preference of vaccines
** Lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines in protecting individuals from COVID19
** Lied about the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing the spread of the COVID 19
** Lied about the dangers of the COVID19 vaccines to children
** Lied about the dangers of the COVID19 vaccines to healthy adults.
** Lied about making money off of the vaccines.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

For innocent Americans it has been years of Dr. Fauci’s lies on top of lies.

And now that Fauci and his cohort Dr. Collins were cashing in.

Your kid may have myocarditis – but Tony Fauci was making the big bucks!

Via Collin Rugg.

NTD reported:

The National Institute of Health (NIH) received approximately $325 million in royalty payments over a 12-year span from pharmaceutical companies and research organizations, according to new documents obtained by nonprofit government transparency organization Open The Books.

Open The Books received records detailing more than 56,000 royalty payments to NIH members Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) between 2009 and 2021.

The government watchdog organization has been seeking these NIH royalty payment records for nearly two years, as part of a series of FOIA requests. The NIH has fought the document disclosure requests and these documents came through new productions in a Washington D.C. federal court case (pdf).

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