The Deserved Suffering of the Regime Media Hack


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Imagine, if you dare, that you are a regime media reporter. It’s a horrible thought, I will grant you, but consider this part of understanding your enemy so that down the road you can defeat him. So, put yourself in their cheap suits and bad shoes and think about your position in the universe. Right now, entirely as a result of their own choices, regime journalists are about as respected as groin fungus, and their career prospects in this ever-changing media marketplace are significantly worse.


And at some level, the smarter ones understand that. Try hard to consider what some of them probably feel inside. Not all of them. Some are mindless, Marxist robots, but there are some who have a glimmer of understanding of what they truly are. Sure, they can tell themselves the lie that they are the good guys, or girls, or non-binary individuals, but the ones who are not totally gone know the truth.

Regime media journalists are trash.

Many of them live in denial, but they understand the reality. They see the lies they are part of, and they know the truth.

You know, if you grew up, thinking about “All the President’s Men” and Watergate and bringing down Nixon and that whole largely-bogus myth, you probably thought that as a young journalist you were entering into a field where you could crusade for truth and justice. You were going to find the truth, dammit, and tell it to the people because that’s what the Fourth Estate did. You despised the spinners, flacks, and spokesholes who tried to lie to you and throw you off the story.

Well, that’s all a lie. You are one of the spinners, flacks, and spokesholes.

You don’t report the news. You curate it. You don’t work for the people. You work for the Democrats and say whatever you have to say, or ignore whatever you have to ignore, to advance their narrative.

Look at the attacks on Donald Trump. Face it. He provided you with a great excuse to do what you wanted to do anyway, which was throw out all that objectivity and neutrality stuff that kept you from full-throated support for your communist favorites. Trump’s existence just created an excuse. You told yourself he was so much worse than other Republicans that he was an emergency threat that called for emergency rules. He was uniquely dangerous, so you didn’t have to be bound by norms or rules or fairness, or any other of those other concepts that kept you from saying what you really wanted to say and doing what you really wanted to do, which was influence policy rather than just tell people about it.

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