Bill Gates Destroying The Environment with Mosquitoes?


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I rank Bill Gates up there with Klaus Schwab and George Soros as one of the greatest threats, combined with others, that will fulfill our computer’s forecast projecting the decline & fall of Western Civilization post-2032 and the sharp decline in world population. That has been his family’s goal since creating Planned Parenthood to promote abortions in minority areas to reduce the population of particular races. That was the clever way to turn eugenics into a woman’s right.

Now, Gates is dangerously altering the environment and there is no understanding of the profound damage he is causing this time all while;e pretending to care about the planet and humanity. In 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved releasing more than 2 billion genetically altered male mosquitoes in Florida and California following a pilot program in the Florida Keys dating back to 2020. Of course, the so-called fact-checkers only spread their own disinformation and appear to be so hateful and biased that they support anything that undermines whatever is said by their opposition regardless of the truth.
Cases of malaria have emerged in the US for the first time in 20 years. They focus on the statement when this project was released. Oxitec’s work in the US has involved releasing genetically modified, male Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes in the Florida Keys with the purpose of combating insect-borne diseases such as Dengue fever and the Zika virus. The intent is to have the modified mosquitoes mate with female mosquitoes and pass on a genetic change in a protein that would render any female offspring unable to survive — thus reducing the population of the insects that transmit disease.

First of all, they just assume that their press release was telling the truth. They paint the picture that malaria was not among this disease they claimed they were targeting. There was no investigation to see if that was true or not. Or, that Gates would destroy our environment just as Australia did by importing one species to eliminate another and upset their entire ecosystem. Australia learned its lesson and you cannot import any animal whatsoever without the approval of the government.

In 1935, the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations tried to eliminate pesticides to kill the native grey-backed cane beetle that was destroying their sugar came crops. In June 1935, they imported 102 cane toads from Hawaii. By 1937, some 62,000 toadlets were bred in captivity and then released in Queensland. Now, the toad number over 200 million and have been known to spread new diseases altering the entire local biodiversity and there is no evidence that they have affected the number of cane beetles which they were introduced to eliminate.

While the fact-checkers claim linking Gates to malaria is a conspiracy theory without any investigation into whether that press release was true or not, even if we assume it was true in this world where it seems they are all liars, if we accept what Gates has done kills one species of mosquito that spread Dengue fever and the Zika virus, both of which were never a serious problem in the United States. Incidence of Dengue fever in the United States is rare, with only 865 cases reported in the US and 38 in the territories according to the CDC in 2019 (903 total), most of which were attributed to travelers that visited dengue endemic regions. That made no sense to launch mosquitoes in Florida and California when the disease was only among travelers who did not contract it in the United States, to begin with. And as for the Zika virus, the CDC reported only 32 cases in 2021. It seems very strange that Gates would spend millions of dollars to alter mosquitoes genetically for a disease that was not very common. This seems to imply that the press release was not true.

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