After All the Shouting Ends, It Will Still Be Trump, Part II


by Rich Kozlovich, America Outloud:

Well, as I said in May, it’s early, and things will change, and they have. I ran this article in May ⏤ After All the Shouting Ends, It Will Still Be Trump, outlining my views on Republicans who were either running or potentially running for the 2024 Republican nomination for President of the United States.

So I’m updating all this as some who hadn’t declared their intention to run are now running. However, irrespective of that, I think all the underlying realities I stated about these people are still valid, and these interviews confirm it.


On July 16, 2023, Matt Vespa published this article, Tucker Carlson Cut Down the 2024 GOP Field With a Sickle This Week, stating:

Tucker Carlson hosted a candidate forum at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, on July 14. Politico was apt to describe it as the “Tucker stress test,” and many 2024 GOP candidates failed it. The former Fox News host outright brutalized them.

While Donald Trump, Chris Christie, Larry Elder, and Doug Burgum ⏤ Doug Burgum? Really? I didn’t attend; those who did clearly validated my views, only more. Chris Christie was toast before he declared, and all the views he’s expressed since then made him burnt toast, and in no way was he going to sit for an interview with Tucker, so his lack of attendance is actually immaterial. A recent exchange between Tucker and Christie highlights this.

Larry Elder and Doug Burgum’s lack of attendance was immaterial, as the goal of this was to push out those who have no business running in the first place, and he’s done an excellent job of it. While I like Larry Elder, and think Doug Burgum is a loon, neither should be in the race in the first place. The only ones who benefit from their running are the talking heads. That gives them something to talk about as if it matters.

As for Asa Hutchison, can a seemingly intelligent, very wealthy man be that clueless? Apparently so. He was toast before this, and now he’s burnt toast. His value in this process is making everyone else look intelligent, wise, and knowledgeable.

Nikki Haley is as slippery as an eel, as she not only refused to say Biden was elected through voter fraud, she actually claimed he won. All the while blabbering about preventing voter fraud, trying to have it both ways. While she did a credible job as the UN Ambassador, it seems to me that’s been her modus operandi forever, and she wasn’t much as the Governor of South Carolina. I said before, she’s not to be trusted, and this interview confirmed that, but she’ll clearly be in it for at least one primary.

Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott didn’t do badly, and Vivek Ramaswamy did well, but Pence died right there on stage, saying the crumbling situation in America’s cities wasn’t his concern. While I agree that’s not a federal issue, that statement killed any potential for being nominated. But how well is DeSantis faring? Someone must be reading the tea leaves because he just got rid of a lot of his staff. As I said in my previous article, I just don’t know what’s going on in his mind, but he’ll be in it for at least two primaries.

I had said I liked Pence for a lot of reasons, and I hoped he wouldn’t run, and just for this reason. He’s not a Donald Trump. Tucker made him look foolish, and based on the way he treated Pence versus the other candidates, that was his intention, but the fact is, Pence is done.

I hope he walks away for his benefit and the benefit of his family. I think he’s a good man, but he’ll be eaten alive after this, all of which will be brutal on his family. Why did he think he had a chance? One of my correspondents thinks he’s surrounded himself with delusional supporters, and that might be so.

All that being said, when Pence drops out will he become part of some foundation spending the next few years bashing Trump? I fear that’s what will happen, and if so, my estimation about him being a good man will be flushed down the toilet.

As I said, Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy seemed to have emerged from this fairly well, but neither of them is going to get the nod, nor do I think they’ll be chosen as VP when Trump is nominated, but I do think if Trump is elected, they’ll be offered a position in his administration. Both will be in it for at least one primary and truthfully, I think Ramaswamy will be in it longer than DeSantis.

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