It’s not the Chinese, STUPID; it’s the…….


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: As one looks across planet Earth today, one thing is readily apparent: war and conflict, chaos and confusion prevail on every continent.  Quite obviously, this state of international affairs has been fastidiously engineered with highly purposeful design.

The exposé found at this link clearly demonstrates that only the all-powerful and all-pervasive Khazarian Cabal could ever accomplish such an Ordo ab Chao feat: The World Wars And All Other Cataclysmic Events Were Carried Out By THE TRIAD.

Make no mistake: no other malevolent entity or international crime syndicate is so successful at pitting nation against nation like the Khazarian Cabal.  Truly, they are the all-time masters in stealthily executing the “divide and conquer” strategy.

For example, the reason why the American Left has been socially engineered to hate Russia is because the Khazarians hate Russia.  Similarly, the reason why the American Right has been mind controlled to detest China is because the Khazarians desperately needed an enemy for conservatives to fear.

This game of divide and rule has gone on for millennia and represents the primary stratagem by which the Khazarian Cabal dominate the entire planetary civilization.  All they really care about is that everyone else is blamed, NOT them ever, for all the deliberately manufactured problems of the world.
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