The Globalists 2024 Election Steal Will Be The Final Nail In America’s Coffin – What Bioweapon Will The ‘Deep State’ Release This Time? Evil Never Plays By Rules Or Follows The Law


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it

Back on April 16th, we published this story on ANP titled “Evidence ‘The Coup’ Over America Happened Decades Ago And Was Nailed Into Place By The COVID-19 Bioweapon Attack That Allowed Massive Mail In Voting Fraud In The 2020 Election within which we reported that back in 2016, tyranny’s mouthpiece, The Washington Post, published a story confirming the US govt, via the CIA crime conglomerate we now know as ‘the deep state,’ had attempted to change the government’s of other countries AT LEAST 72 times, while reporting that according to former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the CIA’s ‘coup over America‘ had taken place all the way back on November 22nd of 1963, the day, Paul argued, that the CIA assassinated US President John F. Kennedy.


With ex-Congressman Paul warning we have alarming proof that the CIA has made it a gruesome habit of carrying out governmental coup’s all across the planet, we asked in our story why anyone at all would be surprised that they also carried out one here in the 2020 election, quite literally ‘installing‘ joe biden into the White House, and now we get more confirmation that our April story was right on the money from Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland, who recently went on to Fox News as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story and warned: the ‘deep state’ is going to rig the 2024 US election following their success in 2020.

And while we have plenty of reasons to doubt that the globalists will even ALLOW an ‘election‘ to take place in 2024, with Americans slowly awakening from their long slumber which had them believing elections here actually ‘mattered,’ with the process more a ‘selection‘ that ‘installs‘ the globalists preferred ‘puppet‘ into the highest office in the land, we’d also warned in that April ANP story that the deep state/China crime conglomerate releasing the ‘COVID Bioweapon‘ upon America was the way that they ‘carried out the coup,’ with the bioweapon scaring 10’s of millions of Americans into staying home and ‘voting‘ rather than going to the polls, allowing voter fraud to take place on a massive scale never before seen in US history.

And with that bioweapon release upon America accomplishing multiple goals for the deep state coup-mongers, including not only allowing them to blatantly steal the 2020 election before America’s eyes but then allowing them to ‘lock down‘ the country, imposing barbaric and totalitarian ‘rules‘ upon the masses that required people to take a ‘death shot‘ if they wanted to continue working, as well as ‘conditioning‘ the masses for further ‘health tyranny,‘ not to mention allowing them to carry out ‘mass murder‘ via countless Americans and people all across the planet ‘dying suddenly,’ if they get away with stealing the 2024 election as they did in 2020, or stop the election altogether, there’ll be no coming back from this for America short of the ‘2nd Amendment solution.’

From this story over at the Cato Institute before we continue.:

Why the Anti‐Tyranny Case for the 2nd Amendment Shouldn’t Be Dismissed So Quickly

Perhaps, as Madison predicted, all the other checks and balances will always prevent tyranny. But should tyranny ever triumph, the US Constitution provides a mechanism to restore constitutional order….

According to the Declaration of Independence, the only legitimate governments are those with the consent of the governed. When a government becomes the enemy and not the defender of human rights, the people can withdraw their consent and set up a new government. 

“Prudence dictates” against changing long‐established governments, or withdrawing consent for “light and transient causes,” said the declaration. But by 1776, “the long train of usurpations and abuses” by King George’s government had demonstrated “a design to reduce” the colonists “under absolute Despotism.” The declaration pointed out that the Americans had repeatedly asked their “British brethren” to redress the problems, but the British “have been deaf to the voice of Justice.” Therefore, “necessity” required the Americans to separate from Great Britain, as a last resort…

Jefferson later explained that among the sources of the declaration were “the elementary books of public right,” such as the works of Cicero, Locke, and Sidney. Those theorists had agreed that government without consent is the same as robbery; in both cases, forcible self‐defense was legitimate. But once the Americans had won their independence, how could the declaration’s legal principles be applied if an American government became as abusive and obstinate as King George had been? 

From the beginning, concerns about tyranny – The right to fight tyranny is universal 

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