Suppressed NATO Study Finds U.S. Ranks Low on Democracy


by Alex Christoforou, The Duran:

NATO and its supporters and member-nations are hiding the fact that the predominant belief in many of these nations is actually that they’re dictatorships that merely pontificate ‘democracy’ to other nations as an excuse to defeat their targeted-for-conquest nations which they call ‘autocracies’ or etc. in order to fool the public to ‘justify’ the military-industrial complex and its war-games and invasions and their enormous arms-sales.


NATO, which is America’s propagandistically ‘pro-democracy’ military alliance against Russia and against China, polled the people in 53 countries — some of which are in NATO and some of which aren’t — and asked them whether they believe “My country is democratic,” and found that NATO’s own core country, U.S., was, itself, #35 down from the top, and China was #6, and Russia (NATO’s main target or ‘enemy’ nation) was #43, and that two of the most anti-Russian countries on the list were near the very bottom: the rabidly anti-Russian NATO member Poland was #50, and the NATO-aspiring Ukraine was allegedly #17 (enormously improved performance for NATO, since Ukraine had been #47 out of the 53 nations back in NATO’s 2020 poll). Anyway, since NATO hid their results, instead of publicizing them, the complete list, with the indicated rankings, are finally being published here (wherever that will be effectively allowed), for the very first time anywhere.

The rankings have been figured out only by a careful analysis of the visuals that the NATO-affiliated polling organization did publish. The NATO-affiliated organization that paid for the polls of those 53 countries was the billionaires-founded group that calls itself the “Alliance For Democracy,” and they issued a report on the poll’s findings, but excluded from their report, the rankings, and made very difficult for a reader to figure out what the rankings were. No one till now went to the trouble of finding out what the rankings there were. (Even now, at the Wayback Machine, which is the standard Web-archive for pdf documents such as this, it is saying Saved 4 times between May 11, 2023 and May 17, 2023,” and that’s remarkably few times for such an important document, which was uploaded to the Web on May 9th, almost three weeks ago.) The NATO-affiliated international-corporate advisory organization, the Rasmussen Group, had selected the German corporate PR firm Latana (back in 2020 the polling was done instead by the German PR firm Dalia Research) to do the polling, and the data are presented by them as being “based on nationally representative interviews with 53,970 respondents from 53 countries conducted between February 7th and March 27th, 2023 (back in 2020 it was instead “124,000 respondents from 53 countries conducted between April 20th and June 3rd 2020” — and so NATO is now cutting corners on its propaganda in order to intensify its physical wars against Russia and China). So: this is a major research-endeavor for NATO-affiliates (agencies of U.S.-and-allied billionaires); and, since the scores and rankings were hidden by them, instead of having been published by them, the information that is being published here may reasonably be considered to be American samizdat, or prohibited to publish in the United States and in its NATO vassal nations. In other words, publication of this information is effectively blocked in all NATO countries, though the information comes basically from NATO. Publication of this information is effectively banned throughout the U.S. empire, but perhaps this information will become published in whatever news-media are not controlled by the billionaires who control the U.S. Government. Presumably, media such as CNN, New York Times, Fox News, and The Atlantic, will reject this article, which is being simultaneously submitted to virtually all English-language news media throughout the U.S. and its allied countries.

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