NIH director nominated by “Joe Biden” has 116 grants from Pfizer totaling over $290 million


by Mark Crispin Miller, News From the Underground:

So she’s the perfect choice to manage NIH—a WOMAN, comfortably in Pfizer’s pocket, and, as head of the National Cancer Institute, all for cancer patients getting jabbed-and-boosted.

Monica Bertagnolli receives applause after being recognized as the next director of the National Cancer Institute in August 2022 [in which post she’s done an aces job, since cancer rates are higher than they’ve ever been, and “experts” like Dr. Bertagnolli are completely “baffled” as to why—MCM].


Having overseen the government’s expenditure of billions on “cancer treatments” often likelier to cause more cancer than to cure it (“Cancer Moonshot” is the perfect name of such a program)—and having vigorously pushed for cancer patients to get “vaccinated,” and then serially boosted—Dr. Bertagnolli has exactly what it takes to keep those NIH trains rolling to the end—MCM.

From Dr. Harvey Risch:

(see for data).

Bertagnolli claims that the moneys were distributed over large numbers of investigators (  That isn’t the point.  She has major loyalties to this company and others because of all her work for them.

Why isn’t anyone in the Senate already protesting this conflict-of-interest corruption? [The question answers itself—MCM]


From the National Cancer Institute:

COVID-19 Vaccines and People with Cancer

Steve Pergam Getting Vaccine
Dr. Steven Pergam of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center receiving his first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine on December 29, 2020.

Many people being treated for cancer have questions about COVID-19 vaccines and how COVID may affect their cancer treatment. This Q&A was developed in consultation with Steven Pergam, M.D., of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, to answer some of those questions. Dr. Pergam was a co-leader of a committee formed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) that developed recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination in cancer patientsExit Disclaimer.

If you have a question that isn’t answered here, click the “Chat Now” button in the box below to connect with an NCI information specialist.

CDC, NCCN, and other cancer-related organizations urge cancer patients to get COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots. Why?

Data show that people with cancer and others with weakened immune systems are at high risk for severe complications from COVID-19. Vaccines have been shown to decrease the risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19, even among people with cancer. Plus, we now have evidence that the virus can persist in immunocompromised people, which may lead to the rise of new variants. Therefore, vaccinating these individuals—and the population as a whole—continues to be important to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention recommends that everyone aged 6 months and older stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccination. That includes most people with underlying medical conditions, including cancer.

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