Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: With Crime Skyrocketing As America Collapses & The Globalists Expand Their Genocide To Even More Barbaric Levels

With Crime Skyrocketing As America Collapses & The Globalists Expand Their Genocide To Even More Barbaric Levels, Americans Are Taking Crucial Steps To Protect Friends And Families


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

As crime goes through the roof across America, especially in Democrat-run cities where George Soros linked prosecutors are just letting criminals out of prison to go out and commit even more crimes, a huge section of Americans has said ‘no more,’ leading to skyrocketing gun sales nationwide as reported in this new story.

Realizing that since the ‘government’ isn’t going to ‘protect’ them, and instead, that government has insanely taken the side of the ‘criminal element’ in big cities all across America, as the Ammoland story reports, “as of October, the United States has about 500 million privately owned firearms, or a privately owned firearms stock of half a billionIf all people capable of bearing arms were integrated into local and state militias, this would be a formidable force. No other nation on Earth comes close.