Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: The Wolfowitz Doctrine And The “Rules-Based Order”: U.S. Credibility Is Gone

The Wolfowitz Doctrine And The “Rules-Based Order”: U.S. Credibility Is Gone

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Jan. 11—The Anglo-American empire is reaching its “emperor has no clothes” moment, as the arrogant disregard for international law displayed by the Biden administration and its NATO allies is being called out by one of its leading defenders, the {Washington Post}.  A column on January 5 by foreign policy analyst Ishaan Tharoor — who has often served as an apologist for the repeated violations of international law by a succession of U.S. administrations — indicates that it is not just the growing number of anti-colonial leaders from the Global South who recognize the murderous hypocrisy of the “West.”