by Faith Kuzma, American Thinker:
How do you get largely reluctant parents — and a resistant American public generally — to cooperate with transitioning kids? Bring in legal penalties and state surveillance, of course! Not to go along will be discrimination and require intervention. Becoming an enemy of the state is looking easier for trans-nonconforming parents
When it comes to big stick policy, the Biden administration has it down. Looming in March 2024, Biden’s about face on Title IX is already acting as an invitation to put the squeeze on parents, since schools strive to stay ahead of changes tied to federal funding by instituting policy early. Not to cooperate with social transitioning such as decisions concerning restrooms, sports, and hotel accommodations will make a parent subject to scrutiny, targeting, stigma, and coercion. As many have observed, expanding sex to encompass “gender” reverses the sex-based protections Title IX was set up to uphold. Parental protections as well would be eroded, as for instance, by removing parental opt-outs from lessons covering gender or their ability to help identify pornographic books in school libraries.