Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: Own And How We Live

We The People Are The ‘Carbon’ The Narcissistic WEF Hypocrites Want To Eliminate – It Is All About Controlling What We Eat, Drink, Own And How We Live

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Every year a bunch of millionaires and billionaires meet up at Davos, flying their carbon emitting jets to get there in order to plan the futures of those that did not elect them. One of their main focuses has been “climate change,” formally known as “global warming,” where they decide what the rest of us should drink, eat, or own, in order to lower carbon emissions.

They preach about how we should eat less meat, while they dine on the finest steaks. They try to guilt the global community into giving up their coffee, while they are sucking down their java. They offer presentations about how we will “own nothing” and be happy about it, as they prepare to fly private jets they own, then take their gas guzzling vehicles to their ostentatious mansions they also own.