Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences

Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

We aren’t supposed to talk about what happens after we die.  In fact, our society trains us not to even think about it.  But the clock is ticking.  Your body is wearing out and your time is limited.  Of course the truth is that your number could be up at any time.  If you died tonight, where would you go?  The good news is that “the other side” is not a mystery.  Countless numbers of people have been to “the other side” and have come back to tell us about it.  According to a study that was conducted in 2019, approximately 10 percent of the entire population has had a near death experience.  In this article, I am going to share 5 examples of people that actually met Jesus during their near death experiences.