by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:
The United States must disengage from the Israeli Death Grip
There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never has been one since its foundation over seventy-five years ago. It used massacres of entire villages and other assorted terrorism to drive three quarters of a million indigenous Palestinians from their homes. It then passed laws to forbid any return home by those refugees. Many of those displaced are to this day still living in United Nations (UNRWA) funded settlements, up until recently in Gaza, and also in neighboring countries. Diaspora Jews with no roots in the historical Palestine were by way of comparison allowed to enter and settle freely and were given the stolen Palestinian properties. The Palestinians who did not flee and unfortunately found themselves within the new Israeli borders had only limited rights compared to their Jewish neighbors even though many of them were nominally Israeli citizens.