by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
My parents were born in the middle of the Roaring Twenties and grew up in the Great Depression just in time to spend their teen years under war measures that limited their liberty, which caused them to love freedom more than ever. Although I could use that opening line as a launch into the loss of Liberty planned for the looming third world war, I have another column idea in mind.
The roaring twenties were known for a variety of things, such as the pro-business, tax cutting Calvin Coolidge who cleaned up the huge corruption of the Harding regime and led up to the opposition dictatorship of the first of the CFR puppets, Herbert Hoover. They (the secret societies that encompass the CFR) did not seem to appreciate him cutting taxes and limiting the size of the federal government, especially the government coffers that they drew wealth and power from, so they instituted the Great Depression to get people to believe that conservative government is not the way to go although all of the other nations of the world came out of that depression rapidly and healthy, the US stayed in it even throughout World War Two as they controlled everything to keep us poor, dumb and obedient to their war lust.