Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: Gilead Falsely Advertised Remdesivir as Safe and Effective

Gilead Falsely Advertised Remdesivir as Safe and Effective, Lawsuit Alleges

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The widow of a man who died after being treated for COVID-19 with remdesivir, and a man who alleges he was injured by the drug, last week sued the drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences.

The plaintiffs allege Giliead engaged in false advertising and deceptive promotion and failed to warn about the possible side effects.

The complaint cited a myriad of documents, public statements and press releases, as evidence that Gilead demonstrated “a pattern of downplaying or omitting altogether the clinical dangers experienced by patients from remdesivir use, instead emphasizing its supposed benefits, safety, and efficacy.”